Monday, August 28, 2006

The Weekend That Kinda Was

The Satanic Verses
Little Miss Sunshine

Ah, back in the ol' Nyet Jones blog, where the days are so bleak and the reviews so cynical that even when things are great and make me laugh they get 67's... hahahahah. It's a different scale, so don't get so upset, please. So, despite the fact that Beck is seldom seen around the house these days - small animal surgery, where the hours are long and the miscellaneous slave-labor animal treatment shifts are longer - it was a pretty ripping weekend. In review:

Friday night, both Ali & beck psychically decided to call one another and invite the other and the other's significant other out to dinner. Beck was "STAHVING" so we hit up Bertucci's, a restaurant whose location can be determined by the fact that the sign started with "B" and ended in "ertucci." This was the type of thing that we found hilarious Friday night, which tells you that we are either lame or that the South Grafton Police Department needs to redouble their efforts against local drug-trafficking. One of those two. I kid. But we were giddy, and had a great time with the Ali B show. After a gloriously calorific meal, we attempted to hit up the local ice creamery which despite a publicly stated policy of closing at 10:00 had in fact closed at 9:45. Grrrr... Argh. In their defense, it was cold and rainy. So we re-routed are dessert-seeking efforts to Friendly's ice cream which proved more successful if not quite as potentially tasty. Sometimes, these things happen. All in all, great night out, fun end to the week.

Saturday included Beck going into school for 6 hours, Beck napping for 3.5 hours, and Beck going back up to school for another 4 hours to end the day. Hooray! That was one of her days "off" in case you couldn't tell. Somewhere in there (during Nap Phase, I think), I got a haircut, this time smartly avoiding Sparkle and all razor-like objects on return to the homestead. I look sharp for the upcoming schoolyear, let me tell you. Anyways, the big shock of the weekend was that my Tufts Ultimate bud Zach stopped by the embarrassingly messy house on his way back from Chautauqua where he had unknowingly hung out in the general vicinity of Beck's parents all week. Here's a pic of ye olde Zach for thine eyes:

That's an old pic; he's much more reputable looking with a grade-A mohawk these days. Great to see Zach; we watched the Yankees lose and ordered some pizza when beck got back. He is doing well, just finished summer orgo courses and capped off the summer with a hike through Vermont. He's moving to NYC shortly and is spending the next couple of months in nepal and India with other Tufts Ultimate bud Ian and his special lady friend Amanda. They've been traveling through Asia for the past 6 months or so and have a wealth of ridiculous stoires to tell, so it'll be cool to se how Zach influences the mix.

Sunday featured more beck at the hospital, so when she go home, we took advantage of the actual time off and went to see Little Miss Sunshine, a movie that cracked us up, and then hit up Old Navy for some back-to-school pants and such for myself. Please note that despite the claims of the Old Navy shopping bags, Shopping is NOT Fun Again. Mainly because there would had to have been a time where it was fun in order for it to happen again, not that it has happened. I am a crotchety old man, yes, but the experience of blazing lights and music and jeans that must be inspected 50 times just to see if they are "normal cut" or if they are "normal cut with frilly crap all over them." Good times, indeed. Came home, cleaned the aforementioned messy apartment, and capped the night off with some yummy Jambalaya made from scratch by the Beck and a crazy creepy French movie called Cache (or Hidden), the review of which will be up shortly. Relatively shortly.

So it's Monday morning now, I just walked the dogs and went on my first jog in about three weeks which went exceedingly slow but otherwise did not break me. The other benefit of oh-so-fun shopping is that it reminds you what a summer of sloth and being on the DL can do to the old waitline, so I am now back in the getting fit biz - we'll see how long that lasts. This afternoon is BACK-2-WORK day as "New Teacher Oritentation" starts at the Nut at 2:00, followed by a dinner with the other teachers. Wahoo, back in school. I actually am happy to have something to occupy the days again. Plus, with the daily antics of my teaching room, things are bound to get more exciting blog-wise. We'll see...

Until next time....

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