Saturday, June 9, 2007

He dreams in color / dreams in red

Okay, so those are perhaps the worst lyrics to ever introduce something that has the intention of being a positive thing - it's Pearl Jam's "Betterman" for those of you not in the know - and that' s asong about a lady settling for some guy because she can't bring herself to take action w/r/t her relationship - which is all besides the point; it's really just a cheap play on "best man" - which Aaron was an awesome version of . Get it? Yes, Aaron, once removed of ring-bearing and bachelor party planning duties (the latter taken up by the Beck), came through swimmingly in his role as "guy who stands to Nyet's left and makes sure he doesn't bolt for Canada." AND he kept me drink in hand for the duration of the evening AND he delivered two excellent toasts, the first pictured below at Grinnell's and the second at the wedding reception proper where he roasted beck and me for waiting to get married until the year 2057. I'm laughing here b/c it was damn funny / sweet etc.:
So excellent job bro - we additionally spent the inter-event hours doing low-key stuff like playing disc golf at Ellison Park (review of ocurse on its way, don't fret) and getting his tux fitted / re-altered / picked up again. And there was the shwankest of shwank meals at Applebee's involved, and Aaron downed a goblet of fiery tomatoey goodness for the team.

Gracias, hermano.

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