So much for objective truth. Try to figure out whether the dancer above is spinning clockwise or counter-clockwise - it's an optical illusion that plays with how you interpret where her leg is when its shadow swings across the front of the screen. I promise this is legit, and quite headache inducing.
Speaking of headache-inducing - I got CLOCKED at Ultimate last night. Someone threw a short, come-to hammer, and I jumped to grab it but my defender came in hurricane style and just tomahawk-chopped me across the head. Yoikes. I suppose I'm a bit inaccurate when I say headache, because it's really more my neck that got stretched out that hurts. Somehow I imagine I will pull off Gaynourian survival.
Otherwise a pretty standard day here on the farm, a full tutoring day, a Yankees exit from the playoffs, and a SILLY, SILLY comeback win by the Cowboys up at hapless Buffalo. Good times. Also, somewhere the S/W and I went for a SERIOUS walk. Or, as is the parlance, a W. Of course, our SERIOUS walk was not as SERIOUSLY SERIOUS as Beck, iPMM and iPMeghan's serious 10K walk in Boston. Congrats to them for finishing fast and capping off a whole lot of exercise with a healthy batch of anti-exercise, aka lunch at PF Chang's.
Anyhoo, sans further adieu, the promised reviews of the past few. And we will eschew the normal rating game, as objective considerations, thanks to the ballet monster above, are clearly irrelevant in a pluralistic universe. In fact, we will now institute the rating system of 1 = worthwhile, 0 = not. It's a binary universe; we're just living in it:
Hot Fuzz: 1
Crazy British film from our friends at Shawn of the Dead that shrewdly shifts gears from typical murder mystery to all-out gun-fueled action-fest. Quite funny, quite cute, and quite heart-poundingly awesome. Great send up of both genres.
Premonition: 0
A magnificent crapfest of plot holes and pointlessness. Sandra Bullock made me cry out of pity for such a poor script-choice instead of acting-induced empathy. GOOD GOD this was bad.
Marie Antoinette: 1
Better for its scenery than its substance, and a nice exposition of environment indebted value system generation. Plus, the DVD Extra of MTV Cribs: Versailles is quite nice. I didn't particularly dig this movie; if the 1/0 system came with a "meh," here I would employ it.
Casino Royale: 1
Surprisingly solid edition to the Bond catalog that attempts to explain Bondsy's more misogynistic leanings. Highly entertaining, if a little too stupidly poker focused.
Disturbia: 0
Crappy and uberpredictable teen-horror noir. No me likey.
Simpsons Movie: 1
The assessment that this is a "good episode extended" is quite apt. Not spectacular - not a return to season five glory by any means - but very solid, highly entertaining, and a good trip of Simpsons fan glee. I didn't find the meta-humor of this one quite as great as some did (Homer's pointing through the fourth wall to mock me for spending money on a ticket, for example, was something of an obligatory and non-cleverly rendered comment), but overall it was a nice, overdue experience.
Bourne Ultimatum: 1
Better than one, not as good as two. More innovative Bourne-ian ass-kicking, and I really dug the incorporation fo the previous movie's end-scene into this one. A good adrenaline rush for your cash.
Superbad: 1
Highly enjoyable in person, but I have to agree with some of its critical detractors: this was a hilarious though thoroughly cliche teen romp that dragged a bit in the middle and had some fairly insipid female leads. Plus I've read a solid assessment that one of the male leads is too much of a self-centered, turncoat jerk to be a lovable loser. Still, it was packed with energy and ample guffaws, plus George Michael is stupendous - the slapstick move of being surprised by his cellphone ring was just too good.
Okay, clearly these reviews are entirely worthless. Remember when I used to say things? I don't. I will hold off on the lit so something more impactful is put down than "Man, did Updike ever stop to think that maybe Rabbit was so unhappy because he was just an asshole?"
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