Holla web-fools! And yes yes, it's Tuesday night, and you know what that means! Hells yes, it's another arbitrary label for an arbitrary time signifying nothing but the relative positions of suns and planets and stars, which are natch, themselves, relative. To Something else. And something else. Etc.
Solid guitar lesson today - turns out I'm picking up finger=picking faster than expected. Which is nice. Because turn your head and cough, and I'll be my generation's Bob Dylan before you blink. Without the talent and/or the harmonica. Well, the talent.
Feeling very poetic, case you didn't catch it, which if not, who could blame you (he added, without a question mark), I mean, seriously, I just listened to Hello Nasty by the Beastie Boys and it came across like a religious experience for the first time. Maybe something about it just struck me as grand, the fact that these dudes release an album every 6 years and then play the "we's the coming apocalypse" card like it's the jack of hearts. I mean, unstoppable, really.
Good day all around. Started with an impromptu session on sex education aka the biology of the reproductive system, and as we all know, any day that starts with 57 deliveries of terms like "penis" and "vas deferens" to a teenage audience is miles short of awkward. Seriously, the impulse is to say, "you know, the corpus callosum is engorged with blood during an erection. You've seen an erection, haven't you?" And said urge is job-savingly suppressed. Actually, in all honesty, i did a pretty wicked job of glossing over phrases and concepts that should've elicited ewwws. And hopefully the student learned something. Grades shall indicate.
Followed by a stand-up (i.e., I was stood up, he said passively) and then a hearty SAT math tutoring session. And then a trig class in which, I must brag, I was spectacular. Explained, joked, drew diagrams, snap. Unstoppable as a Beastie. And even mocked a student for claiming that my ellipse with a tail looked like a sperm. It didn't; the head was far too large. Proportionally speaking. And then taught them the difference between ellipses and ellipses (aka, dots). On fire was I.
And then another tutoring cancellation (headache related causes), and so I left work early. And so I went to Barnes and Noble to peruse, look for a b-day present for the werby and kill time until my guitar lesson. Then, as mentioned, said guitar lesson was great. Then to the gym, bench and biceps stuff, got ripped. Then home, for 5 minutes of contact with my highly better 2/3rds, Werbakeuh. She is on duty tonight, and I, as a consequence, am cold kicking it with S & W, the novel Ender's Game and the front end of a House, M.D. "event." A taste of the weeks to come, which you would know, were you in the know.
(Side note - public apology here to the iPod MM for cursing at the Fox news reporter for his misuse of the subjunctive tense. I had really, after that night's Family Guy episode, jus thad enough of the intellectual degradation of Western Civ. On a side note, I did win a bet with Margie over whether the term "sex offenders" would be brought up on that night's newscast, which, for the record, is about a 99.7% chance on any given evening. As Bart would say, it's like selling depression to teenagers).
For the record - road music today was SP's Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness. Class music was GD Live From Fillmore East, complete with a rawking cover of "Second that Emotion."
Will miss the Beck tonight - this on-call night was not entirely expected, so I am bummed. On the plus side, it means no tones of Idol ringing out from the Pink House this evening, which can only be a chalk mark in the plus column for Western Civ. Kiss your sisters, gents, it's gonna be a long winter. Summer. Or something. Sexy. Kinda.
Oh, and speaking of House, M.D. (I mean, not recently, but earlier), last week's religion-themed episode was nothing short of brilliant. I mean, I've vomited my way through a fair amount of House episodes, what with its inexplicable desire to enforce the ER dictate of having doctors date their residents, but that casual dismissal of the religious universe, complete with the "tie goes to the mortal" line, ranks as a golden-ager to me. I'm not gonna go hook line and sinker and start saying "the most brilliant character on television" type nonsense, but at least his antipathy comes off a lot edgier than say, Sam Malone-cum-M.D.
Seriously. Nyet Jones, M.? You *didn't* laugh at that? Gold, Jerry, gold.
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