Sunday, April 29, 2007

He-Moe's (Not the Austin Club)

The sign on the bathroom door at Moe's said "He-Moe's." Despite the fine status of my clotting factors, I went in anyways. Ba-Dum Ching.

After getting my blogging in yesterday I left to tutor and got stuck in the STUPIDEST TRAFFIC JAM EVER. Well, okay, maybe not Phish in Coventry Bad, but i was rolling along my normal 20 minute route to the first house when I got stuck in a vortex of the cessation of movement near Westborough Center. dx/dt = 0 and such. I was wedged between cars in front and back and there were police vehicles to my immediate left (and a sidewalk to my immediate right), so I couldn't even turn around and go home to cry. What the hell was going on you might ask?

At 9:45 on Saturday morning! Ah, Americana, I shake my fist angrily at you. I ended up dodging the Center and getting back on track about 30 minutes later, but it threw off the entire morning. Argh.

When i got home, though, I had the clever inspiration to run up to our local Little League replica-Fenway park Miner Field and take in a game. It's about two miles from our house, so i figured hey, nice way to get some exercise and take part in that which had wrecked my commute. (Oddly, no one has posted pictures of the little replica job on the web - at least not that I can find in two seconds - so here is the view from above courtesy of Zach and my friends at Google Maps):

So I made the trek there and just about died 2/3 of the way - crazy humid here in the Bay State yesterday, and my weak winterized body was not ready for it. I watched some little league baseball for about five minutes before I began to feel my own "To Catch a Predator-ish" vibe - I am so glad that my fine culture has emphasized such ideas to an extent that I can't even enjoy a baseball game anymore. No, thank you, Stone Phillips. I eventually ran/jogged/walked home, and that is it for my 2007 Little League support.

Spent the PM watching the Sharks barely lose to the Red Wings and watching the Sox choke against the Yankees, bringing everyone in the local area back to the plane of reality / despair. Beck moved some more furniture out on the lawn and it was dutifully picked up by passers by - this included our dining room table and my cinder block shelves from the days of my youth. The apartment is starting to get a definitive squatted-in vibe.

We headed over to Gringoat to have dinner with them and Ben "Nolan Ryan," a first year resident and former Tufts student friend of Ali's. Tres nice dude. We hit up the aforementioned local burrito joint Moe's (now with new menus and higher prices, oh my!) and its oddly labeled bathrooms and then came to Ben and Ali's for a vastly more even-tempered game of Boggle. I spelled "teared" as in, "I teared up when I realized that when I go to hell, it will involve an eternity of playing boggle."Just kidding - fun times and flat tonic, and we got to chill with the Heidster (the GG dog) taboot. Ben-Ali have an apartment in Providence now, so that source of stress is thankfully gone; Ali and Beck will now spend their Sundays attending baby showers and the like. Ali addressed their card to "Sarah Plus Fetus."

And today... it once again rained for a good portion of last evening, so I think my Ultimate game may be canceled. It is impossible to get off the ground with these constant rainouts - I would seriously like to get back in running / sprinting shape, but the every-other-weekend warrior routine is not getting the job done. Grumble grumble. So if that gets canceled, I will have to come up with something else exciting to do today, like run on the shoulder of 122. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE recreational jogging?

I know, I know, you're screaming for that Dawkins book review. And the dog tails. I'm going to read another one of his books today and keep a close eye on S & W so I can review even more and note even more hilarious antics from a dog's eye view. You are psyched; I can tell.

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