Argh, to say the least. Nyetian Art connoisseurs will notice a certain stylistic resemblance to LoG. Maybe we'll post that one some day. Anyhoo... tutoring / class otherwise went fine this morning and now I am back at the homestead enjoying my fourth to last Monday afternoon in the fine suburb of Graftonia. That's right, any denial that an official countdown has begun is futile; we are now in the waning hours of the Nyetian Northeastern Adventure. At some point this blog will feature a wrapup of the six year stay; that point is not now.
Instead, I will regale you with more boring tales of BUDA Ultimate. Actually, no I won't, other than to include a bullet point list of highlights from yesterday
- I had a player call "Violation of Airspace" on me. Which is one of the weinier calls out there anyways, but in this case was just heinously silly - I was downfield of him, a throw was coming, I timed it and jumped and he, who had been running with his head down and didn't even know the disc was up, ran into me from behind. Awesome.
- Another player called "Violation - Changing Hands." I can't even express how dumb this one is. You might as well call "Dribbling" in basketball. I.e., this is not a rule. Wacky.
- I threw a soft, soft scoober (upside down pass) to a teammate who was all by his lonesome - said teammate gacked it with both hands then fell down as the disc bounced off his face. He asked me after the point to "stop throwing so many hammers."
Stellar day. i otherwise had a couple of saweet layout catches and a couple of layout D's, which is a surefire sign that I am getting my legs back under me. The whole thing, though, was just a kinda depressing afternoon - gloomy and dank, and just felt like a pointless exercise, what with the idiotic calls and people doign ridiculous stuff on the field. I've mentioned this before, but I'm probably not fast / good enough / unafraid of serious injury enough to play competitive club now, but on the other hand I am not patient enough to play at this level. Oh well - good exercise, good exercise I keep telling myself. Plus occasional fun...
Met up with the Beck later after a much-needed shower and shave (I was face-covered muddy after said layouts, which always makes for an exciting drive home - if someone cuts you off, you just catch up with them and give them the mud-faced stare, highly effective in conjuring "mommy, why is that man sharpening his axe" type thoughts in the offending driver's head). We lolligagged on dinner and ended up making it a S&S night which, sadly, the Gringoat were not able to attend. That last line effectively means we had ice cream for dinner (though I did follow it up with a veggie burrito later - if by veggie you mean bean and cheese. And I do, I do).
Mean Bean and Cheese. Yeah, I said it.
Otherwise a low-key Saturday leading into this ill-work-extend Monday - dancing tonight, and I will spend the afternoon finishing that Dawkins review and otherwise reading reading reading to edumacate the me within. Peace.
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