Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Printer 17, Nyet 1

I just spent some wee hours wrestling with a printer/scanner that I have finally conquered. And now to bed. But YOU are the beneficiary of the fru-its of my labor - the scanner is connected, so I dug through a dress drawer of photos and came up with this, the rarest of rare sightings, the Speckle-bellied Jullietta, circa 1997 or so at what I believe was a post-Women's Football Championship Party:

It's a Nyetverse classic!!!

(Oh, and if you're interested, tonight's Ultimate game won, 15-4. Sense of accomplishment = nil).

(Oh, and something that I just can't let go - you may have seen the OSU coach's wacky post-game "speech" on ESPN. I'm not going to link to it; just too dumb. The newspaper article he was so upset about? That is worth linking, because it is just too dumb. If you have a moment, read that article and answer the simple question, "is this good writing?" Whether sports columnists should be permitted to write articles that amount to calling out "your mom" to college players is up for debate, kinda - it's clearly low level and mean, but being mean seems to be a journalistic trend these days. But writing that poorly is not up for debate - it's a newspaper article, not a middle school cafeteria conversation. Please leave your "word is" and other mal-constructions at home. Barf).

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