More weekend to follow, but first (and Chris, you'll probably throw up a little upon reading this, be forewarned), just want to acknowledge that my brother Aaron, drama teacher extraordinaire in Austin, got dumped on a bit by The Fates this week. His high school performed at a UIL One Act competition, put on the performance of their lives and then got DQ'd for going *FOUR SECONDS* over the time limit. Just a crushing blow - all of that time spent rehearsing, all of that effort and dedication, and poof, dead and gone just like that. By being DQ'd. they are not permitted to go on to Regionals or State or any of the other competitions, AND all of their actors were eliminated for consideration for awards. This kind of thing has far-reaching circumstances beyond the immediate disillusionment- none of those kids can put any of these accomplishments on college resumes, so there may be some lost scholarship offers or what have you in addition to the pain of disappointment. So it feels terrible on the personal and theatric / artistic level and, on a practical level, additionally could be terrible for all kinds of practical reasons. UGH.
I don't bring this up for its "hey, look at the train wreck" aspects - I wanted to give props to my bro because he is doing a great job controlling a pretty disastrous situation. There are all kinds of potential blame games, ostracizing and ill-will that could come from this, but Mr. Aaron Wright is doing a fantastic job of creating a learning experience, trying to discern what happened as a teaching tool, and making sure everyone takes responsibility for their own actions, however they contributed to the screw-up. I.e., Aaron is being a teacher, and that is just super solid work.
So word, homes. Head up and all that, but I just wanted the readers - both of them - to know what a stand-up job you're doing as the temporary mayor of Craptown. Keep up the excellence.
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