Saturday, September 27, 2008

La Première Ballade des Fleurs

Quickly because I've got a big stack of Naturalists staring me down - I'll explain that at some point, maybe - but this is the official announcement that Beck and I have moved and thus, this is the first post from our Flower House. Huzzah! Clearly the internet is hooked up, computers set up, and otherwise... nothing. There are 700 billion boxes strewn about the house. We've been living off of a steady diet of pizza, beer and McGriddles. And perhaps KFC. These are not the meals we will report on future long-range epidemiological studies, rendering them useless.

But suffice it that things are good. We have a long list of things to do - lawn mowing being very high on said list, yikes - but some semblance of permanence has been set in motion. Good deal. I will try to post some pics of the new place in the not distant future (but that, natch, would require me to figure out where the hell the camera and cables are).

Okay - I'll try and catch up on some of my remiss posting as study breaks as the day progresses. I clearly owe week 4 and 5 accounts of school, and a week 3 account of the awesome that is the Royal WEfnuk. Until then...

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