Monday, February 9, 2009

Grocery Store Music Selections

(Note: I just got home and after a full day of reading a gigantic stack of refuse / filth / putrescence am happy to get my blog on. So get ready for BLOG OF FURY, a burst of observations and goings on from the past two weeks of radio blog silence).

I went to the store at some point last week to buy pens and a notebook for the new semester. Over the lovely PA, I hear the world's best disco baseline:

Now, I can't speak for the average Fry's customer, because I am not a soulless drone satisfied with letting a disco beat drive his consumption choices. "Life During Wartime," while an awesome, boogie like it's the wartorn apocalypse kinda number, is not music by which to shop. Unless you are stockpiling bread, water and peanut butter to last a couple of days, it is incomprehensible to be merrily pushing your cart down the aisle as this antsy song blares. The economy's in shambles, we are in two wars, and there's actually ban on that peanut butter for cripe's sake! This is OH NOES music of the highest order! What to do, how does a Nyet maintain coherence in this situation, this dissonance of song and activity?

Easy: Change activities. Nyet sings along, dances back down the school supplies like David Byrne, and exits the store without buying anything. Because notebooks? What good are notebooks? They won't help me survive. I was merely listening to your aural instructions, stupid Fry's automated DJ. I left lacking school supplies, but hopefully with a little integrity in their stead.

I went back the next day and bought notebooks and groceries to "Touch of Grey" by the Grateful Dead. Back to back survival songs, Fry's? What gives? I am nervous in these times. That is all I have to say, and it's alright.

Yes, this really happened.

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