Monday, July 31, 2006
I only reuse the best jokes
Huzzah! The Prodigal Fiancee has returned; prepare the finest nextdoor llama for slaughter and feast. Mmmmmm Llama. Mmmmmmeeeeeee llama... Nyet. Do you ever get the feeling that LL Bean was a company strategically named for animal proximity in dictionaries and encyclopedias? Or did you find Bugs Bunny att... oh... okay. Me neither.
Grafton and Beck are once again overlapping Venn diagrams in the universe of location. Or something. She's back. Ahhhhh... that's good. On the other hand, the Iron Fist is back in session, which means no more egalitarian land-sharing democratic forms of government as we've had the past week; no more S & W & N triumvirate. Everything was going great, except that I kept losing on all votes 2 to 1. And guess who conveniently got elected "Town Dog Walker and Up-picker of Poop?" I think Bart Simpson defines a paradox as choosing between an S&W-led government and the Iron Fist. Oh, well. Sometimes you get the Beck, and sometimes, well, the Beck gets you. La la la la la la la la la la la etc., the man in me will do nearly any task...
So what crazy events have taken place this weekend? I learned several more White Album tunes Saturday morning, chugging up to "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" as the next beast to slay. And seeing as I neither have Slow Hands nor am I God, this one may take some practice. But at least I have some structure, so that's good. For the record - Wild Honey Pie may be my new favorite guitar song. No, not really.
So I started cleaning the apartment and watching the Sox game when I got a call from Ben & Ali who en route en foote to Scoot and Skirts, so I hopped on the bike and met them for some afternoon frozen yogurt. They rescued me from house-cleaning to go out for Thai food and back to their casa for crepes with their friends Ben - another Ben - and Rachel, who was never actually a cast member of the Wonder Years, despite the fact that Ali knows her. Seriously serious, Ali is ridiculous - she knows Becky Slater. Becky Slater! Unbelievable. NEhoo, great times, great crepes.
Sunday was an all-day festival of Nut gathering and Nut departing. Camp departures are such sweet sorrow, but they're kinda just loud annoying over-the-top sorrow when it's all drama kids involved. Ha ha! I'm not actually this heartless - I'm just - wait for it - ACTING! But not acting like a histrionic ridiculoid like your average adolescent would-be Willy Shakes. No offense to blood relatives. Anyways, spent the entire day at Squirrel Heaven hanging out and listening to Chamber Music. Beck arrived at Providence late and missed her train, so she rented a car and headed to Natick. We hit up a small Chinese restaurant before my last airport run of the day, and then headed back to South-G where we sit this evening. I took her to school this morning, returned the car, picked up another Air-Nut and then gymmed it up this afternoon, nearly dying in the exercising process. It's in the 90's today, supposed to get to 100 later in the week, and the gym is not air-conditioned. Dubious - but I got a reasonable workout in, came home and showered, then headed back to Tufts to take beck to the grocery store... and yeah, that more or less catches you up. Stare deep into the meaningless details; they're allegorical.
In more allegorical news, I've decided to run away from home and join a rock band. Yes, this is a realistic fear you should hold. In less allegorical news, Mel Gibson is a drunken moron.
Ultimate tomorrow? Maybe.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Dear Beckence.
Wow. A couple of days of some pretty focused and dedicated practicing, and a whole lot of repeated patterns, and I more or less have "Dear Prudence" under control. The key was getting the fingerpicking pattern to the point where I could do it by feel instead of by looking at the strings. I still need to hammer out the transitions between the different parts of the song, and every once in a while my brain locks up and won't let me play things correctly - but the difference between tonight and yesterday morning is in several ways astounding. It's a set of fairly typical Travis Picking patterns, so I learned each of them individually and now I'm trying to jump from to another. Good stuff; it's nice to be able to play a song that sounds surface level complicated like that, even when a, I know it's just smoke and mirrors accomplished with a pattern, and b, I'm still hacking my way through it a bit. Patience. Yeah. Word.
Beck got back to SA tonight; she is pulling onto Huebner Road as we speak. She had a good if relatively unenlightening time at the clinic(s) from what I can tell. So she will spend tomorrow hanging with my parents rather than feeling horses from the inside.
I finished Season One of Lost today and am adequately "Charlied" to the show. Ha. I am also thoroughly smiling at the fact that things like this happen in the 21st century. You can join me in my Stats class this semester if you would like to learn why it's stupid to use the lost numbers to play the Lotto. Geez-uhs. Speaking of the Son of God, Beck had the following conversation yesterday, more or less. Note that "Techie" is the clinic tech who doesn't really practice things like "Sterile technique" or "wearing lead in front of X-rays" - Beck even tried to helpfully advise her not to stand with her reproductive tract in front of the direct beam if the X-Ray machine. So here's that convo:
Dr.: How do you feel about gay marriage?
B: Oh, it's a real controversial issue in Mass right now.
Dr: I think it's ridiculous. We've got better things to be worrying about right now.
Techie: Well, I just think it's wrong.
Dr.: Why do you think it's wrong?
Techie: It just goes against everything this country stands for.
B: Like what?
Techie: You know, Christianity.
This is funny by itself, but what's better is that Beck follows up the account of the Techie's political views with:
"Maybe she should keep those ovaries in front of the X-ray after all."
Damn. Is it cold in Navasota, or is just the mean Yankee who just did a rotation there? Ha.
I also watched the Stephen Colbert Roast of George W. Bush today, a roast he delivered live and in person. Two feet from the president. Here's the transcript - and here are some sample great lines:
"I believe the government that governs best is the government that governs least. And by these standards, we have set up a fabulous government in Iraq."
"And though I am a committed Christian, I believe that everyone has the right to their own religion, be you Hindu, Jewish or Muslim. I believe there are infinite paths to accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior."
"Jesse Jackson is here, the Reverend. Haven't heard from the Reverend in a little while. I had him on the show. Very interesting and challenging interview. You can ask him anything, but he's going to say what he wants, at the pace that he wants. It's like boxing a glacier. Enjoy that metaphor, by the way, because your grandchildren will have no idea what a glacier is."
Alright. The 7 Beckless Days and Nights in the Grafton Wilderness are nearing their end. I've learned some guitar songs, watched some Lost, and transported some Nuts. I've watched some movies, written a bit on the website, and outlined some story ideas. I've gone running in miserable heat and then come back to an apartment where I sat in miserable heat. I got lost in a forest and came back with bugs that suck blood. Today, I ate a burrito. As you can easily tell, the TBN ship floats on Beck-fueled waters, and without it, my Graftonite existence exhibits a buoyancy quite unlike that of limes. Without the beautiful Beck, I am quite museless. We await her return with great antici...
Join us tomorrow, when we teach you how to keep a turkey in suspe...
It's been one, so I'm going to go do this now.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Georgia on my Mind; Bugs on my Body
Black Snow
"People say that I'm out of touch with reality. That I'm insane. That sometimes I forget things, like who I am or where I am. Unimportant things. But I'm not insane. I am... a tick."
Ah, my blue brother, you quoter of quips, you easily programmable VCR clock, you modern appliance of Justice, thou highly accurate spam-blocking software in this Information Superhighway of Evil - a bevy of your brethren hitched a ride with my dogs and my ankles back to the home today. Seriously, mad disgusting ticks all over legs and bodies, all over Wrigs's and Sparks's faces. Gross. Creepy. At least 25 of them. And they won't die - i idiotically tossed one in the garbage only to see it crawling its way to the top 5 minutes later. So the lot of them were rendered sewer-bound via the harsh flush of Righteousness. Nauseating, disease-ridden bug - I call you Tick. Evil heathens, you non-scurvy-curing carriers of Lyme, may you never cross the threshold into my happy abode again.
So how did all those lobsters get on us mobsters today? It was silly kinds of hot in grafton, the dogs were looking painfully bored so I rewarded them for their good behavior over the past few days (and yes, they, unlike those Pavlovian bitches, do not need temporally-connected rewards to form accurate positive associations - I just put check marks in their dog contracts, alerting them to the appropriate actions with which they have garnered their just dessserts) with a trip to the woods around the corner. The woods were hot, muggy, buggy, and generally disgusting, plus some of the treees had been knocked all over the trails. So, natch, we got lost, and ended up hiking way out to a field somewhere behind Rte. 122. Not good. We hiked back, but by the end both dogs were panting like crazy, stopping every few seconds to cool off by lying in mud. Hooray. Even WD, after spending the first 60 minutes in typical full gallop, slowed to a trot by the end. And poor Farkle Splidarkle started limping with about a quarter mile to go, a quarter mile she traversed primarily on nyetback. Or nyetfront, I suppose; basically, I carried her quite a ways. She is not light. Nor was she not muddy. Blugh. So we drove home, and two dogs got deloused and bathed. Ah, the dog bath. An activity which, as Beck described, they begrudgingly accept. Tolerate, even. But they are decidedly not happy about the situation. It's like a liquid nail trim.
So, a disgusting day in the woods - did I mention the flies that were attempting to dock inside my ear canals the entire afternoon? On the plus side, the dogs are totally zonked and passed out in the living room right now. Good deal.
I've decided to take a stab at learning the White Album, so I added Back in the USSR to the songlist today. I'm trying to be systematic about it, which means that Dear Prudence is next, which means that I need to learn some fingerpicking. Which is cool; I figure if I force my way through a lot of the Beatles catalog, really trying to learn things as I go instead of doing hack jobs, I will accomplish a fair amount. We'll see.
Got a call from Zil today, who reminds everyone to take a gander at the Bozeman Police Blotter. IPMM sent me an e-mail explaining that she and the IPJ now own iShoes (given the IPJ moniker, I would have gone with iSandals. Really, you could run wild with this - IPJ delivering a sermon when one of his disciples, maybe iPod Thadeus, comes running up saying how they only have 2 tapes and 5 CDs, how will they ever rock out for the crowd of 5000, and then IPJ whips out the 40 gig iPod with 10,000 songs and everyone gets to rock out and then some. In fact, if Apple decides to go in this direction, I demand royalties).
So I'm watching Lost on another Beckless night in Mass. That's the plan for tonight. Hopefully, bedtime in there somewhere. We shall see. Oh, and I also watched Manhattan today, which I will review later. It did have a ditty of a beautiful line, though, when Woody and Mariel Hemingway are riding ona horse-drawn carriage and Woody calls her "God's answer to Job - I may do a lot of bad stuff, but I can also make this." Something like that. Great line.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Radio-freindly Opinion Shifter
Another bloggity entry, another shoutout to Zil, she of CBS fame and a generally Phish-headed math genius: this time it's for her e-mail of the Bozeman Police Blotter. Specifically this edition of the blotter which is full of comic genius. Remind to never suspiciously enjoy the sunshine in Bozeman.
Also, if you've never had the pleasure of receiving a message from Liz on your answering machine or voice mail, you are missing out on a rich and varied experience. A very fast rich and varied experience that rambles quite a bit, actually. They're awesome. Liz is awesome. We're talking pantheon of awesome human beings status. Gandhi, Mother Teresa? Morons.
"This has been the over-the-top shout-out, brought to you by The Family Guy, who would like to remind you, if it's not overdone and obvious, it's not funny (TM)."
So I am ripping the guitar to shreds, in a good way. Added another tune to the holster, a classic and favorite of my dad's, "Get Back" by los Beat-lees. And today I cranked it to (three)11 for a couple of songs and then turned it up another couple of notches for a longtime AC/DC classic, "Thunderstruck." Try as I might, I cannot escape my KZEP-laden roots. Seriously, what the hell is up with the San Antonio classic rock connection. Didn't Ozzy pee on the Alamo? That's okay? I don't get it. Regardless, my childhood was a blurry pastiche of power chords, a whole lot of Scorpions, Thin Lizzy, Blue Oyster Cult, AC/DC, Santana (well, duh on that one), Bachman Turner... need I go on? Regardless, I gotta say... I played "Thunderstruck" today, I mean really played it, even parts of the solos. You should comprehend that this was a vague impossibility not too long ago. Not that it's a particularly hard song - it's not - just that there's some pull-off technique stuff that I could never *really* get, but I just nailed it today. I'll make it official tomorrow. But, as they say, everything's coming up Milhouse.
I'm going to try to comment on the music I'm listening to a little more often in this space, because otherwise I'll be bland and run out of things to say. I'm currently listening to the relatively new Band of Horses album Everything All the Time. Very anthemic, jangly, and Wayne Coynely sung vocals. Reminds me of parts of The Walkmen album Bows & Arrows, actually. The whole disc blends together, meaning that's it's all solid, but not a ton stands out. So it's a top-to-bottom listen, but just not very singles-oriented.
I listened to Bill O'Reilly on the radio today. I also read a miscellaneous pop-psych piece on the web yesterday about ingroup / outgroup objectives in marketing (for example, how companies will try to get you to label yourself as a "Mac" or a "PC" person). I find it fairly difficult to deny some of the effects of in-group psychology, and Mr. Bill abuses it sans shame. I'm actively trying to make knee-jerk, elitist condemning opinions about folks like him - but his show comes across a whole lot like choir-preaching: "Look at those crazy-ass liberals; aren't you glad we're not like them?" And everything in the show was an effort to label this or that newspaper as "leftist" or "unfair" or "unevenly presenting the news." And he made some rather odd "liberal Jew" comments here and there, too - subtle, but consistent. Not that he was off-topic - they were discussing the Israel situation, which I will not even attempt to discuss here - but his whole indictment of the "leftist" newspapers was that they were unable to present any kind of anti-Israeli argument for fear of alienating their lefty-Jewish subscription base. Who knew Sandy Koufax had such influence. Anyways, the whole thing was absurd, seeing as Fox News would be hard-pressed to present any anti-American sentiment in their own programming. I think O'Reilly half-heartedly acknowledged this fact, but said nothing in reference to its equally-condemning application to his own news organization: the conservatives can't bash America for fear of alienating their fanbase, either. Just like, you know, Metallica can't go pop. Oh, wait. Anyways, what pushed it over the top was this "Team Good Americans" (F*** Yeah!) take on the whole thing - he made repeated references to how the leftists were "taking it on the chin," "getting their butt kicked," etc., backed up by, wait, oh, what's that, nothing. He's a smart dude, and a lot of what he said today regarding the Israelis and their right to defend themselves was spot on. But the rest, the tinsel to his Rightmas tree - it's just B.S. He lies, and rather blatantly. SuperDave Letterman knows the deal.
In the midst of this thought-provoking (though interrupted every five seconds by commercials - seriously 96.9, is times tough?) radio show, a car passed me with a "Marriage = Man + Woman" sign. I fail to see the point. People dying, WW III on the horizon, child actors beating one another on boxing shows, and this is really your prime-bumper-real-estate cause? So then I peek in the car, and it's Joe and Jane Suburbanite humming along to their Lawrence Welk greatest hits CD, and I just want to punch them. And I contemplate the level of hypocrisy this involves, given the revulsion I felt at the many glorious-and-entirely-appropriate-for-impressionable-youth-audiences anti-flag-burning videos at Texas Boys' State. (Nothing quite as scrumptious as a subtle brainwashing at the hands of the American Legion - if their brand of dependent-thinking were a dessert, it would be Death By White Chocolate). The accountant and the Mary Kay saleslady have a right to express their hateful (okay, I realize it's not intrinsically hateful to have that opinion re: marriage, I just think displaying it in bumper-sticker form is a tad gratuitous) (e.g., I don't put bumper-stickers on my car that say "you are all consumer slave braindead morons who lack the creativity and originality to express your questionably hateful political opinions in forms other than bumper stickers" - that would just be unnecessarily antagonistic, don't you think?) opinions in bumper sticker form just like every other American-Flag-Pin-Wearing Citizen. Right? Sure. So I didn't run them off the road. Thank god for level heads. And Boys' State. That. I. Love.
So that was today. In the words of a band that's either named after something vaguely Satanic, a form of current, or perhaps a very in-the-face of Lawrence Welk listening suburbans lifestyle:
You've been (Echo: you've been you've been):
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Ultimately, the Question is: Is it Time to Retire?
So the past two days I've been ripping the acoustic guitar up, learning some Beatles songs. I will adjust the songlist accordingly. There. It's now adjusted. Enjoy. Relatively straightforward songs, though I did spend a large amount of time trying to nail the intro to "I've Just Seen a Face," which if you're not familiar is a fairly quick triplet set. It's also played on two guitars, and try as I might, I can't grow two additional arms. There is really no hope for me, I suppose. All in all, hard work, my hands are cramping, my left thumb is actually kind of sore from gripping on barre chords and at quick glance, my left index finger looks mammothly more muscular than my right. Either that or I have very localized gout. Goodness.
Should be a light weekend of work, but Beck is headed down to Tejas (the friendship state) on Sunday, so I'm staring down another week alone. Hey, it's like being in high school all over again! Maybe I'll call up Marisa Silvas and have her read me YM over the phone. Ah, many a Friday night met that fate, my friends. Those were the days. These, again, are not those days.
For an outro quick pick me up, here are some pics of the pups of eternal optimist and brilliant mind Liz Bishop:
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
nu aRchiVe : thRee Pickz!!
sebenarnya ini untuk iseng-isengan aja sih, waktu ngecek memori kompi kemaren, sempat kaget juga seh, soalnya memori lagunya udah nyampe 14 giga. waduh gila!! tinggal tambah pemancar doang udah bisa buat radio sendri. gimana gak 14 giga yah, abis kerjaannya ngedonlot lagu dari tahun 2003 sampe skarang en tiap ke rumahnya orang, pasti yang diperiksa duluan koleksi lagunya. aneh yah!!
dan karena itu ada ide yang lumayan iseng aja sih, niatnya buat nyatuin 3 lagu yang bertema sama. entahlah. apakah memang sesuai atau tidak. tapi ini menurut saya sendiri. dan inilah seri pertamanya.
three pickz!!! : wheRe's tHe HomE ?
Pick One
I ran away today, ran from the noise, ran away
Don't wanna go back to that place, but don't have
no choice, no way
It ain't easy growin up in World War III
Never knowin what love could be, well I've seen
I don't want love to destroy me like it did my
In our family portrait, we look pretty happy
Let's play pretend, let's act like it comes
I don't wanna have to split the holidays
I don't want two addresses
I don't want a step-brother anyways
And I don't want my mom to have to change her
last name
.:Pink - Family Portrait:.
Pick Two
I look around at a beautiful life
Been the upperside of down
Been the inside of out
But we breathe
We breathe
I wanna breeze and an open mind
I wanna swim in the ocean
Wanna take my time for me
All me
.:Stereophonics - Maybe Tomorrow:.
Pick Three
Will I ever make it home, to the place I recognize
Far from here and where I've been,
and all the things that I've been shown
Will I ever make it home, can they keep .
me here for good
Where I hardly know a soul, and my fear keeps going on
Will I ever make it home
My weariness keeps growing inside
My patience is starting to subside
And I hope I'll be there soon
It can't be long, or I'll fall through
Can't help but to think I'll never get back
I'm ready and i'm waiting to hear that
Everything's alright and I can go
But when will that occur, i don't know
.:Ingram Hill - Will I Ever Make It Home:.
Thankz GoD!!!
minggu berakhir, skarang sudah senin. it means awal minggu lagi. setelah kemarin evaluasi SiSaPi (Siswa Sebagai Peneliti) kelar, dengan refleksi dari saya yaitu :
- ni kegiatan tentu saja untuk menyadarkan saya, ternyata saya masih BODOH dan masih banyak lagi yang perlu dipelajari
- ni kegiatan sebagai portal saya untuk mengupgrade diri sendiri, tentu saja dengan banyak membaca, banyak mendengarkan, diskusi, dan melakukan penelitian sendiri dan sesuai pesan k’ Dandy, saya mesti banyak belajar supaya di youth camp 2007 nanti jangan jadi tim teknis, tapi berusahalah jadi fasilitator. Caranya, yah seperti disebutkan diatas.
- ni kegiatan juga menyadarkan saya bahwa tidak sia-sia satu semester kuliah metode penelitian komunikasi (MPK) karena memang ada gunanya
- ni kegiatan untuk latihan mengospek! hehehehe. maksudnya bagaimana supaya sifat introvertnya, tidak mendominasi diri saya nanti swaktu ketemu sama adik-adik baru lagi. karena terbukti dalam SiSaPi ini, walaupun dengan fasilitator yang baru kenal (peserta ajah ngirain kita udah temenan bertahun-tahun padahal ketemunya waktu workshop), adik-adik yang sama skali asing, tapi saya bisa nyaman dengan diri saya. that's the real iQKo, i think.
masih ada lagi satu tugas yang menunggu yaitu tugas jadi editor buat buku SiSaPi. habis kemarin mencalonkan diri sih. tugas ini diemban feat ridho (yang ini pimpronya), indah plus wedha. dan hari ini kita mau janjian buat ketemu semua (karena pada rapat evaluasi kmaren si wedha nya gak ada jadi di jadwalkan senin baru bagus), dan disinilah drama dimulai.
ugh,, napa nih?? tiba-tiba perut mulas, gak jelas!! jadilah saya mesti b**er duluw, sebelum ikutan rapat. untung si ridho masih shalat dulu. dan penderitaan saya masih belum berakhir disini, karena perut saya semakin melilit, ugh!!! praktis membuat saya tidak konsen untuk ikutan rapat. duh,, gimana nih? saya kira dengan buang air lagi masalah saya selesai, ternyata tidak. asli saya tidak bisa bergerak lagi saking lemasnya. abis kalau jalan sedikit, pasti kena gejala mau buang air, eh pas ke toilet, gak jadi. pun ke k10, untuk mindahin data dari FD nya ridho ke mp3 player ku praktis saya paksakan saja. toh habis itu saya bisa langsung pulang.
tapi rupanya Yang DiAtas punya rencana lain buat saya malam itu. setelah merasa tidak mapu untuk bangun dan berdiam diri diatas potex-potex selama 1 jam perjalanan pulang, saya memutuskan untuk menginap di bibli saja. dan ugh!!! ampun!!! barusannya lagi saya merasakan sakit yang seperti ini,, karena badan saya yang sudah terlanjur lemas. mau bangun duduk susah. tidur pun menjadi gelisah. rasanya ingin tak sadarkan diri saja. tak lama kemudian, saya teringat pasokan obat diare dari SiSaPi kmarin, mudah-mudahan masih ada. damn! ternyata safety boxnya udah gak ada. untung ada ime' yang masih mengasihani diriku. setelah memesan teh pekat, saya pun nitip buat dibelikan diapet oleh ime'. rasanya inilah penyelamatku malam ini. setelah 2 butir diapet masuk dan mencoba mengatasi masalah perutku, saya pun bisa sedikit terlelap. diantara terjaga atau tidak, rasanya perut ini sangaaaaaaaaaaaaaat sakit. apakah berarti obatnya sudah mulai bekerja, entahlah. yang jelas ini merupakan salah satu de worst night ini my life. dan akhirnya saya bisa tertidur sekitar jam 11 malam,,,
thankz GoD, masih memperhatikan saya. karena ketika saya berbuat salah, dan tidak ada yang menegur saya, akan jadi apa saya nantinya?. terimakasih sudah mengingatkan saya untuk berubah. karena memang saya sudah berniat meninggalkan hal itu, tapi ternyata saya melanggarnya lagi. terima kasih sudah berbaik hati dengan tidak membiarkan saya merasakan yang jauh lebih parah daripada apa yang saya rasakan saat ini, jangan sampai hal yang sama tahun lalu terulang lagi.
dan sekarang saya sudah berjanji kepada diri saya, untuk meninggalkan semua hal itu, karena saya terus percaya akan ada yang lebih baik untuk saya di dunia ini. Terima kasih sekali lagi ya Rabb.
pintu kemana saja,,,
waduh,, ni postingan sebenarnya udah disiapkan semenjak senin kemarin, namun apa daya, soalnya sampe senin gak bisa mendapatkan koneksi internet (penjelasan sebenarnya akan dijabarkan pada postingan lain, edisi : Thankz GoD!), soalnya yah lumayan menarik juga lah temanya. apalagi mungkin buat bloggers yang lain yang memperhatikan ini.
weekend yang lain lagi di bulan juli ini, setelah puas hibernasi total semalam (yak, hibernasi sodara-sodara, tidur dari jam 5 sore sampe jam 5 subuh, mampus!), akhirnya minggu pagi tiba juga. dan kayaknya kebiasaan ini masih belum juga hilang, apa coba,, yupz,, nonton kartun or anime. hehehehe. segede-gede umur, teteup yah minat. tapi sekarang kayaknya udah dibatasi deh. yang paling penasaran sama ceritanya palingan mask rider 555 (kalau yang ini mah keren!!! dari ceritanya yang semakin kompleks, en pemerannya,, i love yuka!!!) en atashinchi (yang ini gak sengaja ketularan dari kakak, ternyata masih ada keluarga segeblek itu yah?). cuman 2 ini kayaknya yang betah ditongkrongin kalo minggu pagi. beda dulu, sampe power ranger : ninja storm juga di jabanin. hehehehe. dan selepas film atashinchi di salah satu televisi swasta kita, ada lagu yang sudah sangat hapal ditelinga...
aku ingin begini,
aku ingin begitu
ingin ini ingin itu banyaK sekali
semua semua semua
dapat di kabulkan
dapat dikabulkan dengan kantong ajaib
pertamanya sih masih gak ngeh, tapi lama kelamaan, kok ada yang beda yah? berasa gak sreg aja di telinga. dan ternyata benar. dari opening theme nya udah beda. diganti!! begitu juga yang nyanyiin soundtrack doraemon itu. kirain cuman theme songnya doang yang diganti. ternyata, selepas iklan, hmm,, ternyata semua pengisi suaranya diganti. mulai dari doraemon sendiri, nobita, sampe giant dan suneo. memang sih, kemarin ada audisi mencari pengisi suara doraemon, tapi hebat yah bisa secepat itu di tayangkan.
loh kok kamu yang marah? mungkin ini jadi pertanyaan sodar-sodara. bukannya marah, cuma rasanya masih aneh aja gitu loh. sama rasanya kalo kita sudah kecanduan moccacino, lalu suatu hari langsung disuruh minum kopi pekat :D. beda lah. karena bagaimana pun juga, 13 tahun film kartun itu yang menemani kita. tiap minggu pasti nonton doraemon. dan suaranya itu memang sudah ngena banget ditelinga. belum lagi, akting dari dubber baru itu. memang semuanya butuh proses, tapi yah itu yang saya katakan. masih terlalu cepat rasanya mereka sudah diberi on air. perasaan audisinya masih sebulan-dua bulan yang lalu deh. tapi pikiran tv swasta tersebut mungkin lain. saya tidak mau berasumsi. tapi itulah yang terjadi. sekarang saya mesti membiasakan telinga saya dengan vokal para dubber yang baruw itu kalo emang masih niat nonton kalee,,,
moral cerita : memang perubahan akan selalu terjadi, doraemon itu punya adek namanya dorami, nonton doraemon sambil makan bubur manado di minggu pagi, rasanya mantapz!!!
REM sings Pop Song '89
Drugstore Cowboy
Superman Returns
The Stupidest Angel
Poetry by Beck:
The Bull
Sleeping With The Dog In July
Oh man oh man oh man. I'll do my best John Cusack here for a vague Hi Fi take on the situation here in sunny Grafton.
Songs, off the top of my head, appropriate for the weather:
Summer in the City - The Lovin' Spoonful
Summertime Blues - Eddie Cochran
Summer's Cauldron - XTC
(Love Is Like A) Heat Wave - Martha Reeves
Born Under Punches (The Heat Goes on) - Talking Heads
The Heat is On - Glen Frey
Hot Hot Hot - The Cure
Hot Pants - James Brown
Hot Stuff - Donna Summer
Hot & Bothered - Cinderella
Hot Blooded - Foreigner
Hot Freaks - Guided By Voices
Hot For Teacher - Van Halen
Yeah. 95+, feels like 105+ thanks to the glorious humidity in the greater Boston area. I think Boston is probably up there in world ranking for crappiest weather. Maybe a close second to Siberia. But I swear that spring/fall combined lasts about 8 days, tops. It's basically winter here from October to May. And theorectically, it's "not hot for enough days" for A/C to be a standard thing. So life grinds to a halt as we swelter. I can't imagine how the Pilgrims did it. They propbably, like, murdered indigenous tribes to blow off steam. Or something.
So we caved last night and went to the movies to enjoy A/C for the low price of $10 for 3 hours. Apparently, there was some cartoon dude saving people and stuff, too; I didn't really care or notice. A Diet Coke and a Pretzel helped pass the time even more, and then Beck and I hit an interesting little restaurant called Thank God I'm (Never Eating There Again No Matter How Much You Pay me, Especially On) Fridays. It was the only one open after the flick, so we were pretty much stuck - thanks a lot Boston and your 10 pm curfews - friggin' Puritans - always killing indigenous tribes and going to bed at 10 and such - so I suffered some decidedly not-Cajun Chicken Fingers and Beck had a drenched in dressing chicken Caesar Salad. Caesar. I barely even... wow, it's hot.
So today I caved some more and installed the single room unit in our bedroom. Which means the bedroom has been a bastion of 75 degree bliss. Which means the dogs, much to their confusion, have spent the bulk of their day in there. Disadvantageous due to the lack of TV, er, windows in there, so I've been playing games with them to pass the time. I've been playing guitar and reading a new book that the Beck got me to survive the heat - we're supposedly having T-storms this evening to extend the awesomeness of today, so I elected not to drive down for 105 degree Ultimate and more disappointment.
So - there we stand. Beck's barbeque-ing up some Turkey burgers as I sit here typing; I am psyched. Big Pork Chop practice tomorrow evening, and I have got to get my butt down to that. YEAH! SO HOT in the HOT TUB!!!
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Jesus got to make out? Shimon?
Civicless we still stand, a state which necessitated some creative transportation today and yesterday - Beck unfortunately made some drives to Natick as a result. Hopefully we will fix this soon, but we'll see.
So yesterday Beck drove me in to Walnut, where I shuttled kids to and fro all afternoon; malls, art stores, dance stores, you name it. Took quite a while, and the only thing I learned from the day was that the term cacophony, long thought to be a superlative in the "boisterous noise" genre, has been WAY overmatched by the new entry, "12 ballerinas screeching with joy on their way to the mall." Seriously, the grating effect was something like Sonic Youth channeled through a midi player where the synthesizer effect is "breaking glass." Very experimental. Very loud. Very not as good as Daydream Nation. On a multitude of fronts.
With the taxi servicing done, Beck picked me up en route to B.U. / Brookline area, where we picked up our friend Shimon. Shimon recently made the incredibly wise decision to cut his hair, resulting in the following rather jarring before and after set:
Something of a Weird-Al to Garfunkel type transition if you ask me. What the hell, I've got 5 gigs here:
Hmmmm, doesn't really work with the balding, though. How about:
Awwww... nice. And Shimon would probably identify more readily with Bobby Z than with Arty G. So there you have it. All of these things pale, natch, to the following transformation, which I could not hope to describe:
It is, perhaps, times like these in which I appreciate the commonness of my name.
Anyways, Shimon, nay, "Shimmer," is doing well, about to complete his PhD in Comp Sci / Artificial Intelligence with a subspecialty in something like "Teaching Robots to Play Soccer." We had a great time tonight; hit that miscellaneous bar in Coolidge corner that confusingly and non-correlatingly names all its dishes after sports stars, Boston-bred or otherwise. Beers later, we hit JP Licks for a nightcap. It is was sweet to enjoy the Coolidge pedestrian scenery while chomping down our unnatural cow products. Seriously, it was great seeing Shimon - always a fascinating dude. This is the guy, it should be mentioned, with whom I conducted Beatles class our freshman year at Rice. We were awesome, if slightly born 30 years too late. Shimon is computer conferencing all week in Beantown; hopefully we will catch him again.
So we drove home, or rather Beck drove home as I fell asleep to the soothing tones of homophobic country music. And all of you dying to protest and/or point out the oxymoron there, I remember between my fadings in and out hearing a lyric along the lines of "where I'm from we like our girls to sing soprano."
Today, I caught the commuter rail in to Natick, returned some books to the library, took a tour of the new and improved route to Logan airport and then ran some more errands with various members of the Nut community. Fun times, to be sure, but I am itching to get back to teaching and something vaguely more meaningful. Or maybe less meaningless.
Beck picked me up and cook an awesome white bean, italian sausage and pasta dinner. We ate out on the porch and envied our neighbor's swimming pool, causing congressmen to lament the moral compass of this fine nation. You know, what with the coveting of our neighbor's swimming pool (Leviticus 2006:1) and all. It's hot as, well, the hell we're doomed to going to for coveting our neighbor's pool these days in the greater Boston area. 95 and humid, and nary a built-in AC unit in view. Or maybe our upstairs neighbors have one. Man, I really want their AC. Wait, did it just get hotter in here?
S'all I got. Oh, except to throw out that I ran 6.5 miles before my quads gave out yesterday morning. The plan is now to keep on keepin' on like a Shimon that flew until I make a comeback performance this week. FTR, I think I hit maybe roughly 19 miles last week. Hooray for me. I'm going to try to keep this up. All this knee and heel and shoulder and Swoops and Squirrels business is making me feel a tad pudgy, so game is officially on.
That's all I got. posts look bigger with pics. More reviews tomorrow. Oh, and possibly something new from Beck's little corner of the world...
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Einstein's Dreams
A couple of great days in the guitar-verse the past few days - I don't know why, but I ripped through a lot of lesson material and have gotten things sounding pretty decent. I'm practicing a lot of technique stuff of late, so nothing really new song-wise, but I think I'll shift to learning some tunes ion the next couple of days. I also want to go over some finger-picking techniques, as I think for whatever reason that's finally clicking in my addled brain. These are all good things, but maybe not tha texciting for you. Anyhoo...
Running is going well; still painful foot-wise but tolerable. I haven't made it to an Ultimate game yet (due to the copious amounts of rain that have been ruining our fun these past few days), but hopefully the coming week will feature the great comeback. Or at least the comeback.
What else? Oh, I killed about 8 hours yesterday researching car purchasing. The one cab system has presented problems, and with school starting back up in a month or so, wanted to get our bases covered. So I read about Honda Civics all day yesterday, got a ton of local dealer quotes for new ones, and got some very low quotes - 17K for a brand new Civic Sedan LX with auto transmission. That's clearly a truckload of money. And we clearly don't have a truckload as of this second in time. But the hassle saved would be nice. And it's a great car, good ride, excellent gas mileage, we could apparently drive off cliffs and come out unscathed. AND I got all the requisite credit reports and it looks like I qualify for all the best loans. So - in short, whenever we feel like it and/or get enough cash saved up, I can join the faceless masses and drive a silver Civic. Hoo-ah.
I've got some driving down at the 'Nut to do today, and then we're meeting Shimon, an old buddy from Rice, downtown for some mayhem. Exciting times. The days roll on.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
caTaTan PaGi
pagi !!! huamm,, semalam tidurnya enak banget lah,,walaopun tidurnya udah jam 1 pagi jack!!, selepas lastnite moment,, browsing internet dulu selama sejam,, dan otomatis,, tidurnya telat lagi deh. tapi kenapa saya selalu bisa mempunyai energi di pagi hari? entahlah, apakah karena pengaruh dari kekuatan pagi? soalnya saya jujur sekali lagi, jam berapapun saya tidur, pati akan selalu bangun jam 6, itu yang paling lambat. dan walaupun dalam keadaan sangat mengantuk, saya akan selalu berusaha untuk melanjutkan untuk memulai pagi. ada beberapa langkah-langkah untuk memulai pagi yaitu segera minum air putih (yang ini untuk menyeimbangkan metabolisme tubuh plus mengganti cairan tubuh yang ilang diakibatkan iler yang keluar pada saat tidur malam :D), dan segera cuci muka dengan air dingin (otomatis ini dilakukan ketika shalat subuh, segar!!!), dan pagi ini, disinilah saya, masih di lantai 3 fakultas kedokteran unhas. untuk siaran morning lecture. soalnya k' elz masih di palopo, gak enak juga sih kalau banyak sekali siaran yang dibiarkan kosong, dan yah, ngomel-ngomel lagi pagi-pagi. materi siarannya sendiri banyak bahan menarik seperti mitos yang mana sih yang benar ketika kita berolah raga di pagi hari, sebaiknya makan sebelum atau sesudah?, trus ada juga mengenai 11 langkah simpel bagaimana membuat pagi anda menjadi segar,, saya paling suka dengan poin jangan selalu memendam emosi, karena bagiaman pun emosi yang terus dipendam, baik itu kekesalan, dendam, maupun prasangka akan menjadi bumerang yang siap menhancurkan kita dari dalam. emosi yang tertahan berakibat penumpukan beban kerja bagi sistem kekebalan tubuh. Sebab, emosi ‘beracun’ tersebut pada akhirnya mampu memproduksi zat-zat kimia dan hormon beracun yang dapat mengganggu kelancaran proses biokimia di seluruh tubuh. Jadi, menyimpan dendam dan emosi negatif bisa berakibat buruk terhadap kesehatan fisik kita. jadi positive thinking aja lah, ada juga berita presiden mendukung sumut jadi zona khusus dan yang paling penting menurut saya yaitu berita mengenai pohon yang akan tumbuh di antartika karena pemanasan global sodara-sodara. hal ini disebabkan tingkatan karbon dioksida di atmosfir mencapai dua kali lipat pada 100 tahun mendatang, benua yang diselimuti es akan mencair sebagaimana terjadi pada sekitar 40 juta tahun yang lampau, wah wah wah.. para pakar cuaca memperkirakan terjadinya pelipatduaan tingkat karbon dioksida pada tahun 2100, meskipun hal itu sepertinya bisa menjadi kenyataan lebih cepat dari yang diperkirakan. Para pakar ilmu pengetahuan menyalahkan gas rumah kaca seperti karbon dioksida, yang utamanya dihasilkan oleh pembakaran minyak-minyak berasal dari fosil, seperti batubara dan minyak bumi, yang menyebabkan meningkatnya temperatur di seluruh dunia dan bisa dipastikan akan tumbuh semak-semak dan bahkan pohon di benua antartika. apakah memang bumi kita itu sudah sedemikian parahnya? kalau benua antartika saja sampai mencair, hmm... tapi para pakar ilmu pengetahuan ini rasanya tidak usah lah saling menyalahkan, rasanya yang paling nyata diambil yaitu, untuk mencari altenatif bagaimana mengurangi tingkat karbon dioksida di atmosfer dan mengurangi efek dari panas bumi tentu saja. wah sudah hampir pukul 8 pagi, waktunya saya untuk closing siaran, dan pulang kerumah,, pagi dunia!!!
thankz to antara untuk beritanya, mediaindonesia untuk horoskopnya ...
anoTHeR thinG FroM thE PasT
Welcome to the planet
Welcome to existence
Everyone's here
Everyone's here
Everybody's watching you now
Everybody waits for you now
What happens next?
What happens next? (switchfoot - dare you to move)
entah mengapa saya teringat lagi dengan lagu yang satu ini, apakah karena saya tidak sengaja mendengar petikan lagunya ketika saya sedang berada di atas potex-potex ataukah memang kenangan tentang lagu ini akan selalu ada di dalam memori ku. entahlah. dan mengapa juga saya semakin sering untuk membuat postingan? yang jelasnya, saat ini saya ingin berbagi, sesuai dengan tema dari blog saya yaitu diz is what inside my head, artinya apa yang terdapat di blog ini memang semuanya bersumber dari memori otak yang tidak seberapa ini. yang namanya kenangan, pastilah akan menjadi suatu titik di masa lalu yang tak akan pernah hilang. seperti lagu dari switchfoot ini sendiri. dare you to move, apakah kau benar-benar berani untuk melangkah? untuk masuk ke dalam suatu dunia yang baru lagi? yah sedikit flashback juga, rasanya lagu ini yang menjadi titik kekuatan saya, ketika masa terendah dalam kehidupan saya datang menghempas. yah, saya masih ingat kenangan semua yang terjadi sebelum spmb 2004, dimana pilihan yang mungkin saya ambil yaitu : PERGI. kenapa pergi? karena saya bertanya pada diri saya sendiri yaitu apakah saya mau berani untuk mencoba suatu lingkungan yang baru (waktu itu saya memutuskan untuk mengambil pilihan elektro udayana, bali. supaya saya bisa mengatur hidup saya sendiri), dan akhirnya saya memang masuk ke dalam lingkungan yang baru juga, ketika lulus spmb dan nama saya masuk sebagai mahasiswa ilmu komunikasi unhas (pyuh,, untung gak lulus di unud, entah apa yang terjadi padaku sekarang :D),
dari pertama mendengar, saya sudah menyukai band ini, karena memang lagunya yang enak di telinga plus lirik-lirik yang diusungnya selalu mempunyai makna tersendiri. walaupun saya tahu ni band merupakan salah satu christian band di u.s sana, i don't care. saya kira lirik-lirik yang dinyanyikan oleh jonathan foreman berlaku universal. saya tidak terlalu memikirkan hal ini.
jadi ingat juga memori ketika saya masih menjadi raja rock track,, hehehehehe, gak tau mulai kapan yah, genre musik yang di anut mulai berubah,, dari hip - hop bling bling menuju rock alternatif,,, padahal dulu mah,, haram hukumnya ngederin korn, muse, palingan band yang paling cadas yang didenger tuh linkin park doang, tapi sekarang,,, alternative rules dude!!! tantric, sugarcult, drowning pool, lostprophets, the strokes, korn, machine head sampe evil engine #9 sudah biasa hilir mudik di telinga, dan i'm lovin it!!!(yah sedikit branding gak pa pa kan:D), kebetulan dan secara tidak sengaja (ini sama yah maksudnya??) saya mendengar petikan gitar dan lirik lagu...
We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
Somewhere we live inside
Somewhere we live inside
We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
Somewhere we live inside (meant to live - switchfoot)
ckckckckck, cadaz jack!!! semakin cintrong lah dakuw, terhadap band yang satu ini, apalagi ternyata ni lagu jadi soundtrack juga di film spiderman 2 bareng dashboard confenssional. mantabz!!! ternyata saya baru tahu juga setelah kulak kalik, en nyasar sana sini ketika nyari biography ni band (thankz fo bahwa mereka booming dengan album the beautiful letdown dan beberapa lagu dalam album ini diambil dari album sebelumnya.
band ini juga menjadi penghias film a walk to remember (yes, saya mengaku saya pernah menonton film ini, bahkan sampe 2 kali melalui vcdnyd doang), dimana banyak sekali lagu-lagu milik switchfoot yang menjadi penghias. termasuk lagu only hope yang dinyanyikan oleh mandy moore. versi aslinya keren banger lah... dan ternyata salah satu lagu yang masih keingat sampe skarang (justru ini lagu nemu secara tidak sengaja) yang berjudul "YoU", apalagi pas lirik
It's all I know
And I find peace
When I'm confused
I find hope when
I'm let down
Not in me
But in You (you - switchfoot)
ugh,,,dalem!!! pokoknya banyak lah lagu dari ni band yang menjadi soundtrack kehidupan kita. apalagi pas lagi fall in love,, cuma satu lagu yang bisa mendeskripsikan perasaan ini
When everything inside me looks like everything I hate
You are the hope I have for change
You are the only chance I'll take
And I'm on fire when you're near me
I'm on fire when you speak
I'm on fire burning out these mysteries (on fire - switchfoot)
ini lagu menjadi sangat berkesan, karena memang bisa menjelaskan mengenai apa yang terjadi padakuw, dan lagu ini empat menjadi playlist saya di radio yang dulu (sebelum bernaung di bawah bendera suara medika), karena slow dan enak aja menjadi lagu dimana pun dan kapan pun. lagu ini juga mengingatkan saya kepada iksan a.k.a nunu a.k.a mario, salah seorang music freak yang bisa menyaingi kegilaanku, karena lagu ini pati selalu berada dalam mp3 player milik dia.
and the last yang mau saya beri tahu adalah,, tahun 2005 kemarin switchfoot punya album baru sodara-sodara!! dan single pertama mereka yaitu stars,, lagi-lagi cocok skali dijadikan soundtrack kehidupan saya pada waktu itu. dengarkan saja lirik mereka
I've been thinkin' 'bout the meaning of resistance
Of a hope beyond our own
And suddenly the infinite and penitent
Began to look like home (stars - switchfoot)
ketika saya bergulit dengan kesumpekan rumah sakit, lelah bergumul dengan perasaan hilang, saya merindukan rumah,, dan saya percaya ketika semua hal ini berlalu, keadaan akan semakin baik buatku. dan ada lagi yang bisa saya jadikan pegangan, yaitu ketika kau benar-benar merasa sendirian, lihatlah ke langit,, ada sejuta bintang yang akan selalu menemanimu,,, seperti saya yang akan selalu mendampingimu,,,
I've been thinkin' 'bout everyone, everyone you look so lonely
But when I look at the stars,
When I look at the stars,
When I look at the stars
I see someone else
When I look at the stars, the stars
I feel like myself (stars - switchfoot)
hmm,,, malam semuanya,,, saat ini keadaan saya yah,,, masih sama lah dengan hari-hari sebelumnya, cuman di tambah beberapa hal yang gak penting seperti jerawat di muka saya bertambah jadi dua biji, anjrit!! kok tu jerawat rajin banget yah beranak pinak? padahal perasaan yang saya makan gak ada yang aneh-aneh kok,, upz,, buset.... baru keinget,,, kemaren saya overload makan proteinnya,,, pantesan aja,,, karena selasa malam, pas kelar siaran,, sampe rumah sudah jam 11 malam, laper... eh liat motornya pace, sempat sih kepikiran buat keluar nyari makanan pengganjal perutz, dan alternatif utama yaitu martabak. tapi pas buka lemari makan, tadaaaaaa... (berasa ada jin iprit ngerti mau saya deh), ada martabak tergeletak dengan manisnya. kekekeke, kalo emang rejeki gak bakalan lari kemana jack! so, dengan berbekal, timun, segeralah saya meramu acar dadakan feat msg,garam en gula. biar tambah nikmat! yah lumayan lah, 6 potong diabisin sendirian... itu yang pertama, nah pasokan protein yang kedua yaitu pas paginya gak ada sarapan,, soalnya mace belom masak jadi,, alternatif terakhir yah,,, intel lagi dah!!! sebagai selingan,, trus abis itu bakar ikan sunu,, en makan lagi!!! pas siangnya,, emang udah diniatin pergi, soalnya ada rapat evaluasi buat alekale kru, sebelum rapat akbar tanggal 17 nanti, en mo lanjut siaran, jadi mending bawa bekal degh! berbekal nasi + saos sachet sisa fried chicken gadungan + garam + vetsin + bawang putih + minyak goreng jadilah, alakazam!! nasi goreng yang lumayan spesial, mace aja mo minta!! en supaya lebih spesial lagi,, nasinya ditambahin telur yang sengaja dimasukin pas nasinya udah matang (tips : suapaya nasi goreng anda terasa lembut en telurnya terasa skali) yah supaya gak perlu lauk lagi gituloh. tapi ternyata,, sodara-sodara... telurnya menyatu ama nasinya,, jadi sama aja boong, gak ada lauknya, and it means,, hehehehehe, nyuri persediaannya mace (mace means ibu, slank khas makassar) telur rebus 1 biji, diiris tipis, trus ditaburin diatasnya,, klop dah!! itulah bekal saya untuk melanjutkan perang sampai malam, soalnya dari rapat mow langsung masuk studio untuk siaran. mengenai hasil rapatnya sendiri yang bertempat di biblioholic, k dandy + ime' + pathe' + midho' + sheeta (jumadilnya gak ada, katanya ke luwu bareng temannya), membahas mengenai apa-apa saja yang telah kita lakukan selama program sisapi kemarin. apa yang kurang dari tiap sesi, bagaimana kemampuan personel di alekale crew, sampai apa yang kita bisa ukur dari program ini. dan tentu saja buat dirikuw, program sisapi kali ini sangat berkesan soalnya ini merupakan suatu titik untuk mengukur sebenarnya sampai dimana sih batas pengetahuan saya? dan ternyata masih kurang!! ini merupakan portal yang menyadarkan saya, bahwa masih banyak yang mesti dibaca, dipelajari dan tahap untuk mengupgrade diri lagi. en the next mission is, terus belajar supaya bisa jd fasilitator yang baik di youth camp 2007 nanti. amin..
trus bagaimana dengan jerawatnya? gak nyambung yah? hehehehehe oke deh, ini dia akhirnya,, setelah pasokan protein yang berlebihan, plus tidur yang kurang, dan jadilah pagi ini,, saya mendapati 2 titik merah manis di wajah saya, damn!!! tapi mow diapain lagi?? toh gak jelek-jelek banget kok kalo punya jerawat.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
bukan dari makassar yah?
selepas pulang dari program SisaPi kemarin di alekale yang penuh kenangan dan hotel yang penuh kericuhan (masih ingat ekspresi stress petugas hotel melihat 100 orang pengacau nginap di hotelnya :D), keadaan saya sudah sangat-sangat berantakan. berantakan dari segi penampilan. soalnya rambutnya udah gondrong banget jack!!!, yah tau sendirilah, kalau rambutnya udah panjang, pastilah akan sangat berantakan. soalnya tipe rambut saya ada tipe tebal dan megar, jadi kalo kering, ckckckckc, berasa pake helm terus di kepala. maka keputusan selanjtnya yang saya lakukan adalah, memangkasnya!!! walaupun lelah sehabis dari program masih terasa skali, kuniatkan diri untuk pergi bercukur. dengan mengendarai si plat merah kesayangan, kularikan motor ke tukang cukur yang baru 2 kali kudatangi. model rambut apa? pertanyaan yang langsung mendatangiku, ketika sudah kududukkan pantatku ke kursi yang empuk milik si tukang cukur. plontos aja mas, yang ukuran 5 cm. dan segera tangannya pun menari di sekeliling kepalaku, untuk menata kembali mahkota indahku (wakz, bahasanya donkz!!huahauhauhauha). diiringi suara mesin pencukur (yang pastinya syukur bukan pencukur rumput yang digunakan :D), tu mas sebenarnya mo menjalin keakraban dengan saya (ni prinsip dalam wirausaha, dimana semua pelanggan adalah raja, dan tugas wirausahawan adalah membuat kesan yang sebaik mungkin sehingga sang pelanggan merasa senang dan datang lagi di waktu lainnya), dengan mulai bertanya pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang gak penting banget. such as, mas kok bodynya montok bener? apa nih rahasianya? rajin minum susu yah?? (gila aja, masa beruang minum susu sapi? gak cocok lah,, kan udah ada susu beruang...), dan karena kekantukan yang sudah sangat besar masih saya tahan, jadilah saya merespon pertanyaan dengan segala niat yang tersisa (entar mas nya tersinggung, bisa berabe rambutkuw...) kujawab sajalah,, emang dari sononya udah gemuk. bapak, nenek, semua keluarga gemuk. belum puas nyerocos, eh masnya nanya lagi,, kuliah dimana? dan berceritalah saya bahwa saya kuliah di unhas, bla...bla...bla... sampe bercerita mengenai pengalaman ku di alekale,,, tentang youth camp ini, bla...bla...bla... dan ditengah penjelasan saya, mas tersebut tiba-tiba menginterupsi saya, mas bukan orang makassar yah?? wakakakakak, asli sumpah ketawa saya sudah hampir tidak bisa saya tahan. masalahnya ni mas, merupakan korban ke seribu sekian-sekian yang terjebak dengan pola bicara saya. pasti buat orang yang baru kenal en baru ngobrol, pasti bakalan nanya gitu. kok napa bisa yah? perasaan cara bicara saya normal-normal saja tuh.
dan yang saya gunakan bahasa indonesia yang baik dan benar. terpengaruh bahasa siaran? rasanya enggak juga, pun kalo siaran saya tidak pernah logat, dan menggunakan dialek dari daerah lain. saya cuma berbahasa indonesia yang baik dan benar. sehingga nantinya orang gak pernah bosan dengar saya cuap-cuap di depan mike (nope guys, not mike shinoda). dan masih menyangkut masalah logat saya yang bisa dirubah ini, jadi ingat ama oya yang tertipu abis. hehehehehehe. dia sampe nyangka saya ini anak bandung yang lagi liburan makassar, dan dinya udah senang sekali dapet gebetan baru. dan pas saya ngakak, barulah dia juga ikut menjerit,, iQBaLLLLLLLLLLLL.... hehehehehe, dan ini juga terjadi pada beberapa korban chatting, semasa jaman jahiliyah dulu,, pasti kalo dapet nomor telepon,, yah gombalnya langsung jalan,, kekekeke bakat alam? dunno... yang pastinya ini akan terus terjadi ketika saya masuk di lingkungan baru, ketemu dengan orang baru,, yah semacam siklus alam lah,, dan lama kelamaan,, ketahuan deh ancurnya :D
dan akhir cerita mengenai sang tukang cukur ini, karena suasana yang terjalin sudah cukup akrab (saya juga sudah menjelaskan defenisi dan fungsi dari mp3 player saya), saya pun beranikan diri berkata.... mas bisa dimodel gak rambutnya?? dimodel gimana?? ..itu... dikasi model petir.... dan deal!!! jadilah model rambut saya agak-agak beda, selain plontos, ada simbol petir yang mudah-mudahan orang kagak salah kaprah, bahwa saya membawa fanatisme berlebihan terhadap salah satu lembaga negara yang mempunyai lambang seperti ini. dan berikut tanggapan beberapa orang mengenai model rambut saya ini (lihat deh model rambutnya tessa idol, or nobo waktu spektakular kemaren, kayak gitu...) :D
- mace : tu rambut diapain lagi?? ckckckc, awas kalo sampe nindik (yo olo... kurang kerjaan banget sampe nindik)
-charlie en ema : lucu, mirip harry poter kesambar petir betulan
-shita : tawwa, model rambut baru nih ye..
-k' dandy : anak muda jaman sekarang...
-accung : ko apai lagi itu rambutmu? yang biasa mo kalo cukur ko..
-k' aan : kok ada simbol P*N (maap saya tidak dibayar untuk mengiklankan perusahaan ini, dan saya takut benar nanti ada asumsi saya menganut paham fanatisme terhadap instansti ini) di kepalamu??
yah biarlah,, semua berkomentar, itu artinya masih banyak orang yang memperhatikan diri saya :D
refleksinya ... semoga rejeki tu tukang cukur makin besar, semoga orang-orang masih menyangka saya dari luar makassar, dan semoga orang-orang tidak melihat ni model rambut sebagai pitak ....
persediaan stok suara habis...
yang jelasnya sampai bulan juli ini abis, cuman satu hal yang menjadi kegiatan utama saya, yaitu siaran. Hehehehe, setelah lari selama seminggu lebih, sekarang waktunya balik lagi ke studio tersayang di 90,1 Voice of medica Fm (dikerenin dikit, biasanya cuman nyebut suara medika doang). dan kenyataan yang terjadi di lapangan adalah,,, kita kekurangan personel!!! saat ini sebagian besar penyaiarnya lagi KKn, otomatis yang jaga markas, tinggal saya, wiwin, k' helmi,k' elza, sama titis, biasa sih fajar or suzhu balik, ini kalo mereka lagi melarikan diri dari poskonya mereka. sepi deh. dan itu berarti banyak jadwal yang kosong. jadi bermainlah ikoplaylist (terimakasih buat wiwin & k' elz :P), muskindow, en semua playlist lainnya. karena gila aja masa saya mau siaran 6 kali sehari?? huehueheuhe, bisa muntah-muntah tuh yang dengar. emang ini radio saya??,,, yang bisa ke handle palingan music bookz en lastnite doang. yang ini pun kayaknya bakalan nginap disini selama sebulan deh. soalnya, k' indhi mo pulang juga. otomatis, saya yang pegang kunci studio. wakz!?!
tapi biarlah,, selama sebulan ini saya jadi tumbal lebih dulu, toh gak ada kerjaan sampe datang maba, pagi ini pun saya sudah siaran 3 kali dari music bookz semalam, en sekarang saya harus masuk di morning lecture,, so selamat pagi semua,, selamat menikmati hari yang baru lagi,,,
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Reviews, Mainly.
No Excuses: Existentialism and the Meaning of Life
Check out those reviews if you're interested; I watched and wrote about The Last Picture Show last night when I couldn't sleep. No Excuses was a lecture series by a philo prof at UT about Existentialism; I got the lectures-on-iPod from Scott for my birthday a while back and have been intermittently listening to them over the past couple of months. I actually enjoyed it enough to listen again, though I think I'll go backwards this time. For some reason, doing that seems to help me remember things - front to back adn then back to front. probably something to do with the primacy effect. Or something. This is nothing short of fascinating.
The National League is leading the AL 2-1 right now in the 5th; I'll throw in an update between these parentheses (Update - The NL lost 3-2 with a blown save in the ninth) once I know how it turns out. Raise your hand, btw, if you're sick of "The AL is so much better than the NL" comments. Seems to me like "the AL Central and Boston are bad-ass" is a more accurate statement; in fact, if you take out the White Sox, Detroit, Minnesota and Boston, things start to look a lot more even. Meaning that hey, the best teams in the league happen to be in the AL right now. I'll grant you that. But the "NL as junior varsity" line of logic is just stupid.
I've run/jogged about 9 miles altogether the past few days and my foot has hurt quite a bit but has held together. So hopefully on Thursday I'll find myself on an Ultimate field. Otherwise, today was slow - played a lot of guitar, wrote a bit, things are moving. Really this blog entry was to point you in the direction of the reviews. And to bitch about the All-Star Game. Did I mention my faves Tim McCarver and Joe Buck are lowering the collective IQ of the planet on the air tonight? Well, now I did.
Oh - just a thought - I graded two great albums today, Portishead's Dummy and The Streets' A Grand Don't Come For Free. The first is trip-hop classic originally recommended to me by my mom on the basis of an NPR review; the latter is a British Hip-Hop concept album. Good stuff. 'Tsalligot.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Video killed the Nyet Blog Star.
The Messiah of Morris Avenue
Alright, stepping directly into the YouTube World of Video Embedding - let's see if this bad boy works...
Wowsers. In case you live in a cave and/or America, that's Zinedine Zidane, French captain and one of the best soccer, sorry football, sorry, soccer players of modern times. Dude is a complete wizard with ball control, shots, clutch plays, and, apparently, headers. That "play" occurred with 10 minutes left in the second OT of the World Cup Finals... let's all let that sink in for a second, really. World Cup... Final game, double OT, about to go penalty kicks, you're the dude who takes all in-game penalty kicks for your team... and you do that? It doesn't matter what the Italian defender said about his mom, girlfriend, family dog, his children, whatever - that's *ridiculous*!!! Not to mention assault. And really, kinda awesome - you don't see someone decleated with a header every day. Also if you live in a cave, Italy went on to win the shootout and the World Cup after France dominated them for the last 60 minutes of the game. So on several levels, Zidane blew it, and that Italian guy, whatever he said, just played the ultimate head game. Ha.
So we got that pleasantry out of the Finals yesterday. Jill came over yesterday morning and Beck, Jill and I took the Wrigster to Upton State Forest for some fun and mudbaths. Nothing quite as crazy as last time, mainly because Wrigley also jumped in some cleansing lakes. We got back just before kickoff and grabbed some pizza and beer for the big game - Ben made his way over to watch the most popular sport on earth, and we had a great afternoon up until that thuggery took place. Capped the PM with a little Robot Chicken, which as suspected is right up Ben's Ali. Couldn't resist. Great stuff, had a great time with Jill, too, who's doing excellently between dates and rotations. Everyone left for showers at about 5:30.
At 6:30 Beck and I met the Wolf-Sprechers and headed to Green Bamboo for some great Vietnamese food, decent Vietnamese service and lousy Vietnamese drinks. But a good cheap find by the Beck. Capped that meal with some Shoops and Skirts, involving copious amounts of ice cream and some sailor-speak from the Ali. Ben was rather appalled by all accounts. Nutzo.
We came back, fun times per usual. Beck headed into school this AM, so I read, attempted running (heel felt great while running, not so much right now) and all in all had a chilly day with the dogs. Chilly as in "we chilled out," groggy as in temperature. But 'twas all good.
Alright - more writing! More reviews! More awesomeness! It's the Summer of George!!!
Sunday, July 9, 2006
setelah seminggu lebih melarikan diri dan terputus dari dunia nyata, sekarang sudah saatnya lagi untuk bangun dan menghadapi kembali kenyataan yang ada. yah, sedikit banyak sudah saatnya lagi untuk membereskan segala yang sengaja di tunda. pagi ini berawal seperti biasanya, dan saya sudah berjanji untuk terus menulis mengenai memori di alekale, sehingga saya bisa mempostingnya dan ini menjadi kenangan bersama. bagian prolognya sudah selesai... hm... masih banyak bagian lainnya!!!
nganpusnya rada siangan sih, abis ngapain juga di kampus? gak ada yang mesti dilakukan pagi-pagi kan? but ternyata, eng ing eng... masalah buklet sudah menyambutku!!! sebenarnya ini bukan masalah besar sih, cuman saya gak gak suka aja dengan cara bicanya "dia" yang seolah-olah menjudge, gara-gara saya tu buklet belon selesai... [upz, tahan marah]. tapi biarlah akan terus saya lnjutkan, bukti saya bertanggung jawab sampai buklet itu selesai. dan hari ini juga, saya masih merindukan mereka. mereka siapa?? ataukah hanya kepada satu orang saja? entahlah... tapi tadi malam, mimpi itu terulang lagi,, tentang keadaannya,, tentang orang-orangnya... kangenn.......... memang benar apa kata si weda,, bukan hanya peserta yang butuh back home orientation, tapi fasilitator juga. karena skarang saya ingin terus balik ke sana, dan bersama mereka semua. work hard!!! sudah saatnya mulai bersiap untuk emnghadapi kenyataan baru lagi,, dan tugas dalam waktu dekat? try to think bagaimana cara membuat communiversity menjadi menarik, dan kalo minat jadi produser aja skalian,, i think diz is enough for this afternoon,, bye all
The fog has lifted.
St. Elmo's Fire
Over the Hedge
Being There
Just picture me blowing the collected dust off the keyboard right now, cracking knuckles and preparing for a triumphant return to the blogverse. Not really. Things have been pretty low key at Rancho Graftonero lately, and I've been sub-inspired to log the events, or the lack of them. A number of contributing factors exist - but here is a slipshod, out of order, top of my head style recollection:
Yesterday I went to the wedding of Dave Wu (a good friend and teammate of mine from Polaroid) and Mary Tibbetts (the sister of another Former Polaroid teammate of mine, Mike Tibbetts, who has been sucked away from the world of Ultimate by the more demanding and legally required world of fathering). Rather I went to the reception, as I got there late because of work at the Nut. In typical me fashion, as I walked up to the church and saw Dave, I walked up and said hey, congratulations. Then I noticed the long line leading up to Dave. Yep, my wedding entrance involved cutting in the receiving line. I rock. I took my respective place among the Roid brethren and sisthren, and said my proper congrats a few minutes later. The wedding, incidentally, was in Arlington, a couple of blocks from our old house, and the reception was over by the Arlington library. Nice little trip down 2001-03 memory lane. I miss Arlington fiercely, seriously. Anyhoo, nice touches of Asian and Aryan culture at the reception, complete with Asian tea ceremonies and cheesy DJs. Jerrel, in a shocking move, dominated the dance floor. He also dominated the open bar, ordering everything from mojitos to tequila sunrises to something he claimed was called a "Wu-wu." Fun times
I raced home from the wedding in an effort to get Beck to a dinner with her Vet school "friends" who lamely neglected to give her a ride. I was too late, so we went out to dinner in Worcester at the Rhino Cafe where I may have had the best cheesesteak sandwich I've ever had. My arteries actually arranged their fatty deposits in smiley faces; it was that good. We also got to hang out with an older couple that may or my not have been on a date at the next table, and we got to see a lot of locals who were drunk and/or on motorcycles. Plus there were a couple of scantily clad womenfolk who were either being stood up by dates or streetwalking; I did not perform a litmus test. Love me the Worcester, yes. We headed home after a great meal and watched a little Robot Chicken, a rather LSD-influenced stop-animation show by Buffy-vet (or maybe the Buffy cast member who required a vet) Seth Green. The episodes are 11 minute blitzes perfectly attuned to modern attention spans, and among the highlight jokes was a PSA by Optimus Prime of Transformers fame about prostate cancer (we transformers are robots and therefore have no organic inner organs, so we cannot get cancer. But you do, and you can, so get your ass checked!). I also have to give, I don't know if "props" is the ride word, maybe, stunned adulation, to the "Zombie Idol" parody of American Idol where dead rock stars performed as Zombies. In the end, the zombies went eat-brains crazy, and Ving Rhames showed up with a shotgun to finish them off appropriately, which any zombie fan knows is only accomplished by destroying their head. The transcendentally tasteless joke involved Rhames deciding not to shoot Kurt Cobain, but rather just handing him the shotgun and watching him shoot himself in the head. This was approximately 1000 times less morbid when displayed in claymation.
So yeah, on that note, we went to bed, ending a day that started at 5 AM for me. I've been driving vans for the Walnut Hill camps this summer, a job that only makes me feel moderately pointless, so that's nice. Kids are nice for the most part, but I've spent more time at Logan than I ever thought I would like to. Yesterday wasn't too bad: two trips, but then things like last weekend involved 7 trips to and from starting at 6 AM and ending at 9:30 PM. It passes the time, and the camp director Charlie and the RAs (Rachel, Becca, Jon, Anna, Lillian) are all cool people, so it's been a reasonable way to spend a few hours out of each week this summer.
What else have I been doing, damn? Well, I couldn't resist the new deal on the Tacoma DM-10 at Mr. C's Music. So I effectively traded up from my Sigma, which was a little bit of a bummer because I just had a pickup put in it - but they were nice enough to give me a break on transferring the pickup over to the Tacoma, so that was cool. Sad to see MyFirstAcoustic (TM) go, but happy to have an American handmade gorgeous acoustic guitar in my possession. Sounds magnificent, plays excellently - they don't actually make this guitar any more, and it's in mint condition despite being a few years used. Acoustic guitars theoretically sound better and better as they age, and this one is starting from a very, very high point. Pscyhed, and don't worry sportsfans, eventually there will be some sound files put up here.
So I've been running my way through some guitar basics books lately in an effort to re-establish a more technically correct foundation for whatever it is that I'm setting out to do here. I'm making slow progress, and I get frustrated very easily, which is lame - I've found that relaxing myself before I play and only going in 45 minute spurts or so has been more effective than tension-building hours-long marathons. So I've been doing a lot of play for 45, read for 30, play for 45, watch part of a movie, etc. It's working. Again, recorded results on the horizon. (Speaking of, I have finally gotten my computer rigged for recording and for some electronic music-making. I have truckloads to keep me busy through the next year out here in the South Grafton barren wasteland).
Oh, the ol' SG isn't that barren - we went out to eat at Vinny T's with Ben & Ali the other night, and headed back to their place for scrabble and cobbler. And we actually hit the Post Office Pub the other night with some of the vet-friends for some beers and ear-piercing karaoke. And on July 4th we went to Jessica's (aka, the Brooke Shields Denise Richards love-child) for a rainy, moist, mosquito-laden barbeque, complete with s'mores and sparklers. And we watched Italy qualify for the World Cup finals in true patriotic fashion. So yeah, some solid socializing going down - and this morning, Jill (of med school fame) is headed out our way and we've got dinner scheduled with our terrorist friends the Ben Alis. Nothing's gonna stop us, now.
World Cup - tres exciting. Finals today. I've probably mentioned this, but the soothing crowd chants, the hours of tension, the monumental effort for the chance at something that will likely prove futile - there's a lot going on that's drastically romantic and beyond American general comprehension. The flopping is, por supuesto, total crap, and if it weren't for that I'd be completely sold. It's too bad American pro soccer is effectively the minor leagues of the world - otherwise, I might tune in, a lot.
Time to tune out? Okay, yeah. But I'll pick up the entry level here. More blogging, more reviews, try to get my head wrapped around some writing. Should have some fuel for the fire after the Jill Ben Ali experience. We'll see. Until then, get your prostates checked. If you have them.
Friday, July 7, 2006
akhirnya dapat kutemukan lagi pagi yang seperti ini, pagi yang sangat aneh mungkin di mata orang lain, tapi sungguh saya sangat menikmati pagi di lantai 3 ini. jumat malam, means nginap di studio, soalnya semalam ada siaran sampe jam 12 malam, tapi belon tentu tidurnya jam 12 juga jack!!!, huamm...(masih ada sisa-sisa kantuk yang menyerang), semalam tidurnya itu sampe jam 2 lewat. soalnya sibuk buat ngutak-ngatik blog baru, skin baru... moga bisa senang sama skin ini :D
sabtu kemarin saya masih di dusun alekale untuk youthcamp, buat memory di alekale, nanti saja yah di postingnya,,tapi yang pastinya i'm so happy!!!!
yah disni dulu lah untuk pagi ini,, i'd like to go home now...
by Fall Out Boy
Am I more than you bargained for yet?
I've been dying to tell you anything you want to hear.
'Cause that's just who I am this week.
Lie in the grass, next to the mausoleum.
I'm just a notch in your bedpost,
But you're just a line in a song.
(A notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in a song.)
Drop a heart, break a name.
We're always sleeping in, and sleeping for the wrong team.
We're going down, down in an earlier round.
And Sugar, we're going down swinging.
I'll be your number one with a bullet;
A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it.
We're going down, down in an earlier round.
And Sugar, we're going down swinging.
I'll be your number one with a bullet;
A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it.
Is this more than you bargained for yet?
Oh don't mind me, I'm watching you two from the closet;
Wishing to be the friction in your jeans.
Isn't it messed up how I'm just dying to be him?
I'm just a notch in your bedpost,
But you're just a line in a song.
(Notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in a song.)
Drop a heart, break a name.
We're always sleeping in, and sleeping for the wrong team.
We're going down, down in an earlier round.
And Sugar, we're going down swinging.
I'll be your number one with a bullet;
A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it.
We're going down, down in an earlier round.
And Sugar, we're going down swinging.
I'll be your number one with a bullet;
A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it.
Down, down in an earlier round.
And Sugar, we're going down swinging.
I'll be your number one with a bullet;
A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it.
We're going down, down in an earlier round. (Take aim at myself.)
And Sugar, we're going down swinging. (Take back what you said.)
I'll be your number one with a bullet; (Take aim at myself.)
A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it.
We're going down, down. (Down, down.)
Down, down. (Down, down.)
We're going down, down. (Down, down.)
A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it.
We're going down, down in an earlier round. (Take aim at myself.)
And Sugar, we're going down swinging. (Take back what you said.)
I'll be your number one with a bullet; (Take aim at myself.)
A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it.
EveR The saMe - RoB ThoMaS
by Rob Thomas
We were drawn from the weeds
We were brave like soldiers
Falling down under the pale moonlight
You were holding to me
Like a someone broken
And I couldn't tell you but I'm telling you now
Just let me hold you while you're falling apart
Just let me hold you and we'll both fall down
Fall on me
Tell me everything you want me to be
Forever with you forever in me
Ever the same
We would stand in the wind
We were free like water
Flowing down
Under the warmth of the sun
Now it's cold and we're scared
And we've both been shaken
Look at us
Man, this doesn't need to be the end
Just let me hold you while you're falling apart
Just let me hold you so we both fall down
Fall on me
Tell me everything you want me to be
Forever with you
Forever in me
Ever the same
Call on me
I'll be there for you
And you'll be there for me
Forever it's you
Forever in me
Ever the same
You may need me there
To carry all your weight
But you're no burden I assure
You tide me over
With a warmth I'll not forget
But I can only give you love
Fall on me
Tell me everything you want me to be
Forever with you
Forever in me
Ever the same
Call on me
I'll be there for you
And you'll be there for me
Forever it's you
Forever in me
Ever the same
Forever with you
Forever in me
Ever the same
(Ever the same, ah yeah)