This is the Thursday before winter break, and everyone knows it. Just wrapped up a test in Alg II class and "worked" on "editing" papers in Statistics. The astute will notice that this kind of day does not exactly require a lot of planning or effort on my part, other than to be available to answer questions and/or bang my head against a wall and taunt students. Not really. But on the grand scale, a relatively survivable day.
We also just had assembly where Ben, the humanities guru here, played Silent Night on an instrument that he invented, some sort of thin metal pipe xylophone contraption that bore a strong resemblance to an old, top-of-your-roof style television antenna. It was awesome and haunting: a sort of ethereal bell like sound came out of it that was exceedingly soft, so it had to be amped maximally by a mic which produced some cool eerie feedback as well. A+ performance. This is a yearly tradition, and past years have featured insane string instruments and water-in-glasses type contraptions, all very cool. Ben also preceded his performance with some mockery of student announcements, doing imitations of Ben and Cerissa that were particularly hilarious. This is a very long way of saying props to Ben for making the morning assembly vastly more tolerable. Cool dude.
Otherwise a bevy of inactivity here at the Nut. Still sunny outside my window. I've done some tutoring; have some more to do. Nothing terribly thrilling, but no chasm-of-meaning moments of late either, so as someone who mishears Who lyrics might say, I can't complain.
Cookies were a colossal success. Mad commentary from students and faculty alike. Who knew of my Nyetian* culinary skills...
* - Is this use of the 3rd person legit? Or maybe pathognomonic? I mean, he is not I and I is not him, slim with a brim on my jim what's my mofoin' name? Really just an overbearing attempt at introducing "Nyetian" into the vernacular, like calling ALi's Ben "Gru" or Ali herself "PGOAT." It should be noted that these attempts generally fail. But in terms of usage, I think Nyetian, perhaps especially as an indication of the attempt at departure from former sicknesses and a departure into a more artistic and whole personal selfscape, is at least apt, if a little bit, say, self-referential and obnoxious. But you all know Nyet ain't like that, yeah?
Back to the fact... updates to the main site are coming, I promise. Maybe even tonight, after a promised RUN at the GYM. Dammit. Making myself go has been an existential level pain lately. Grrr. Argh. Indeed.
Speaking of Joss Whedon shows and/or the musicals they inspire, I have had Once More With Feeling roaring threw my head in disease-ish fashion this past week. It's bad, Christmas music muzak in November levels of omnipresence between my ears. In an effort to remedy this, I listened to the RHPS soundtrack this weekend. Good stuff. But it made me contemplate - if hours of RHPS-associated activity in life are in any way some kind of spiritual barometer, I am in loads of trouble. Trouble that will be further compounded when we dance to the Time Warp (again) at ye olde weddinge. Your own hips, etc.
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