Friday, December 22, 2006

Test: Remote Review

Okay, so not that remote. I'm still sitting at the same computer, but I'm using a Mozilla Plug In to type this little entry. I'm sure that's thrilling to the technophobes out there. But I've spent the last couple of days running errands (changing car oil, shopping, eating, etc.) and "pimping" out my iPod, iTunes and browser. We are in a schwank place, the collective lot of us, and one of the many projects scheduled for today is to finally update my website's collection of links into something a little more interesting / useful / aesthetically pleasing. We'll see how that goes.

Speaking of the website, did anyone find the awesomeness? It's there, I promise.

Speaking of the web in general, a little scouring yesterday revealed a wealth of newfound awesomeness. First, below you can find a decidedly PG-13 rated video from our friends at Saturday Night Live - if you have any kind of general understanding of Justin Timberlake's style of music, you'll realize that the bold level of self-parody here is top-notch. Here ya go, and feel free to skip it if you don't enjoy laughing uncontrollably:

So, yeah, funny stuff. Anyways, my searches revealed more than basic sophomoric humor; I "stumbled upon" this site and must say it is the height of web surfing / time wastage. You enter some categories that you are interested in and then click on a button and voila - random website that people have recommended. And I must say they are generally awesome. Here are a few I have encountered in just a couple of minutes yesterday:

And two awesome ones for the animal lovers out there:

Wait for it, wait for it - okay, and two seconds later, The Beck has put up S & W for canine consideration. I would put a heavy bet on their chances in the cuteness competition, and if we ever caught Sparkle in full-out devil dog mode, I'm guessing she would take Scary Dog honors, too. She's versatile that way.

Anyways, in my reviews the other day, I neglected to remember that I saw...

V for Vendetta (2006): 66
Highly enjoyable, but a little too scattered and over the top. Portman = good. Dude with mask - pretty amazing, given the lack of facial expressions available to him. Nice ambiance throughout, and some killer action scenes - all told, a good two hours, but not much to write home about, and A Randian level of head-hammering with its Bush-bad metaphors.

So there you have it. Okay, more work to do today. I am going to go drink a nice cup of coffee now, and it will be manufique. Or something. T-minus two days until Texas. Weather permitting. See y'all soon.

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