Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Weekend Update

Greetings and Salutations...

Another fun-filled Saturday as we met up with D & C at their resort in Scottsdale, the Valley Ho. No, silly, it's not a call-girl service, it's a brilliant play on words. Or something. Anyways, the local resorts have great rates over the summer because, honestly, what kind of idiot would vacation to the desert this time of year, but Danstina took advantage of it and spent the day lounging about poolside. I ran about 5 miles, then went and played a round at Vista Del Camino and decided I was not entirely up for looking at the beautiful people - I let D&C have their nice relaxing day and waited for the Beck to come home from work and working out. So she got here and THEN we headed over to eat at Trader (no relation to Joe) Vic's, the Valley Ho restaurant. And now I have caught up with the beginning of my own paragraph.

So first we walked into the wrong restaurant / bar - apparently Tally Ho is so schwank it has a north and a south wing - so we had to walk through the hotel grounds to get to Trader NRTJ Vic's. And boy are we glad we did. A word to future visitors of Tally Ho - there are two sets of curtains. One is opaque, one is sheer. One first floor couple, let's call them Raider Rick & the Sally the 'Ho, chose option B. Milk is not the only bad choice. Future visitors, please consider passers-by sensitive eyes before you get your unsightly schwerve on, or at the very least blast some umpa-chinka-wah-waoooow music so we can have a heads up as to when to avert. Gracias.

So, after a rather unsettling free-per-view special, we headed over to the restaurant to meet out Zonan friends. It turns out that it was Real Estate and/or Plasticine parts night at Vic's, and having neither for sale property nor implants we were a little out of place. Scottsdale, it seems, is Far East L.A. and has a few of the beautiful people. Cool. Dan noted that no one else was reading a book at poolside that PM, and it was more of something resembling a flirting skills exhibition. How you doin', indeed. But that's not where the fun stopped - we had Waitertron 5000, a really freakishly cheery guy with angular movements who will probably end up playing a robotic gigolo in A.I. Part 2. And we had three foot straws for drinks that came in large wooden bowls with leg supports that the restaurant menu claimed were "authentic replicas of Polynesian gods." Ahhhh... thentic replicas. Love it.

Good food, though ridiculously expensive, and all in all a great night with XtinDan (It doesn't work as well that way). The Beck bowed out after a long tiring day, and we headed back to Rancho Condonero.

Sunday we slept in a bit; Beck went to the gym (I opted out with Ultimate later that day) and headed down to the Phoenix Art Museum which, it turns out, IS open on Sundays. Cool museum with a Southwestern Art focus along with the usual high art period collections and traveling exhibitions. VERY cool installation of work by a contemporary Scottsdale artist Philip Curtis and a nice modern art collection taboot. I unfortunately neglected to take any shots of Curtis's works (I'll get some next time), but here is one from the Phoenix Art Museum website:

And here's an assortment of unlabeled, mostly contemporary art from the museum (and no, I'm not leaving it unlabeled because I am lazy, it's because art should speak for itself independent of context blah blah blah etc.) (or I'm lazy, your call):

That's the news and I... am... outta here.

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