A group of law students at the University of Ottawa have filed a complaint with Canada's Federal Privacy Commissioner. The students allege Facebook has committed 22 violations of Canadian privacy law. The accusations include that Facebook does not inform members about how their personal, supposedly private, information is disclosed to third parties for advertising and other for-profit activities, and also that it doesn't get permission from Facebook's users to do said information sharing.
The Clarion was concerned earlier this year when the stories surrounding the Facebook beacon broke. Anytime a social networking site concedes it is deliberately tracking users personal information and habits for sale it is worrisome. This kind of search technology is the internet at its most nefarious, privacy invading level.
Among the companies Facebook has informational alliances with Blockbuster Video, CBS, Travelocity, Hot Wire, eBay, The New York Times, Overstock.com, along with many, many others. Blockbuster is currently being sued in Texas over information it got on Facebook's users without their knowledge or consent.
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