Saturday, October 31, 2009

Not an Album Review: Exile on Main Street

Sitting on the sofa on a Saturday evening, waiting for the Phils and Yanks to play. I'm decked in all black except for my violently pink wig that I bought as an impromptu costume for last Tuesday's VOTS game*; I thought the neighborhood trick-or-treaters deserved a little effort beyond setting the bowl of candy out (and putting the dogs up). Just finished grading 100+ essays for the Bio & Society class and only caught one flagrant plagiarizer. Beck's at the ER vet clinic until ten tonight; I am decidedly not in Indio, CA.

* - Which oh-by-the-way was one of the dumber things I've ever experienced. Howling winds, lots of zone, skinny field, and after an hour the score was 5-0. We ended up winning again (!), but only by a tellingly ridiculous 8-1 score. Enough wind can make Ultimate stupid; enough wind can make Ultimate that was already stupid super-duper-stupid. In case you can't tell, no one could throw, it turned into a punt and play Z dumb-fest, and our team was less incompetent than the other side. Poor Justin D. And Ryan had no one to throw to at all. I ran off some nice in-the-wind hammers, but it was otherwise a profoundly forgettable affair.

In case you can't tell from the above photos, tonight Les Vermonsters are covering The Rolling Stones 1972 dirty cellar blues classic Exile on Main Street. They're gonna feature Sharon Jones & the Dap Kings, too (check out "100 Days, 100 Nights" from a Letterman performance if you're unfamiliar). Favorite band plus great album plus horns and soul - in short, it's gonna be shwank. Zach and Ian are there, so I'm sure they'll provide a full report. I'm definitely bummed not to be hearing it in the flesh, but it probably worked out okay. Still bummed, and currently listening to the album proper and next some Phishiness to help hold back the tears.

Fun weekend, grading aside - had a competitive scrimmage this morning with some of the Sprawl guys (and some non-Sprawl guys who may or may not have caused my team's choke-job). Good to get out and play some competitive disc again, even if it means yet another reminder that I am way slower than I used to be. Stupid knees and/or telomeres.

Beck and I had a fun date last night, going to the Biltmore Mall and catching a free outdoor screening of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds. Chilly evening, dumb audience ("this was so much better in black and white" was repeated some fifteen times), and bad A/V situation aside, 'twas cool to catch the classic. It's definitely not scary any more (though I think I still find the perched birds eerier than Beck did) - I'm not sure if so much of the then-new techniques have been co-opted over the years that it's hard to get startled by the lo-fi version. And, as Beck said, we weren't "really impressed by the lead actress's problem-solving skills." Fun times regardless. In a shocking move, we grabbed some Mojo afterwards.

Okay, looks like the series is getting going here. I've had no trick-or-treater's thus far, so the four bags of candy I bought may be headed directly for mon bellie. We'll see.

As an added bonus, here's my and Beck's awesome costumes from the other night. Keep in mind that we played - and won - in these afterwards. You haven't been beaten until you've been beaten by Waldo and a pink-haired freak.

Waldo! I Don't Even Know

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