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Amidst the Copious Radio Plays of Van Halen's "Runnin' With the Devil," Mom's XXth Bday Was Yesterday
Not a lot going on - school ended with a ferocious whimper yesterday, and while I think we hit our peak of fun a few weeks ago, it was good to see the students one last time and wish them a good summer. Win's class was fun - I hung around a bit and said adios to those guys. Lunch with Kate in the afternoon at Blue Ribbon BBQ (good times), and then I went to pick up my acoustic guitar... and it was not ready. Boo-urns. I did sit down and play every acoustic they had in the shop, and have decided that the next thing I get in the music field, aeons from now, is going to be a nice Martin, Taylor or Tacoma or something in that vein. Dreadnaught body, satin finish (or whatever the keyword for "no laquer" is), thin but not electric guitar thin neck (and not deep, either), deep, bassy, resonant sound... I think I'm turning into one of those dudes who likes to sit around and talk about cars. Yikes. Anyways, I did pick up my acoustic today, but that is a story for a post that is a long time in the writing. Stay... tuned. Ha. I also played a couple of different acoustic 12 strings - and hot damn, it's just gorgeous. I figure there's gotta be away to simulate that doubling 8va up relatively easy on the effects processor or the computer. We'll see.
Oh, and picking up cars - I made a last run by of the Jeep to get everything that's mine out of it. The mechanic agreed to junk it for me because he needed some of the parts himself, so he gave me some dough and did not charge me for the towing. Nice dudes (who like to sit around and talk about cars) over at the auto shop.
Stuck a big knife in the collective side of the status quo over at Walnut on Monday just by e-mailing the person in charge of attendance a detailed account of some problems I was having with a couple of students. I did so, in all brutal honesty, very, very diplomatically and did not intend to make her feel bad or attack her at all, but natch, she has gone code red, and we are having "important meetings" and "discussions." This makes me non-plussed with human beings right now. This should blow over, and on top of all of this, I really don't care - but now, meetings. I abhor this type of thing; that is all.
Bedtime. Too tired to type. Hopefully I will remember to put together something more coherent tomorrow.
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