Another year, another champion - Aaron & I watched the Miami Heat win the NBA championship on Tuesday night after many an argument over whether there is actually any point to comparing Dwyane Wade to MJ and some arguments over my brother's dubious claim that Wade is "always on." Wade was pretty dope this entire series in a "head down, drive to the basket and have the refs call pansy touch fouls with 1.9 seconds left in Game 5" kinda way. But can we all agree that global warming has nothing to do with George Bush, but is rather caused by all the hot air escaping the lips of sportswriters these days? Seriously, MJ retired dudes. Wade is not the next MJ; he's the only Wade. And even if you ant to play the comparison game, let's a least wait until, say, his 3rd championship. A'ight? MJ was a phenomenon - actually a circus show if you remember it (even when the Bulls weren't winning rings people dropped everything to see the guy play) - and whatever Wade is, it's ludicrous to compare it to a full career, 6 championships in a different era.
As for him always being on... guys who are "always on" don't clank two free throws in the clutch - HA HA. I don't really believe that, but scroll to the bottom of this page of the play by play and take a peek at who missed two in a one point game in the 4th quarter of game 6 of the NBA Finals. Oooh. He's so "clutch." I don't buy it for a second - dude is incredible, but he's just not, no one is, a storybook demi-god. So get out the broom and dustpan already; your shattered dreams and false nostalgia for the eighties have their place.
Woke up Tuesday morning with a wicked bruise on my left heel from the Lack-of-an-ultimate game on Monday night, which more or less did me in for the day. Aaron and I played some music, learned some songs (Sweet Emotion, With Arms Outstretched, House of the Rising Sun, random blues / piano stuff) and all in all had a fun day despite the raging heat. Beck ran errands and generally scoffed at our lack of activity - at one point we managed to lumber outside to grab some ice cream at Scoops and Swirls, but that was really our only earth-shattering outstep for the day. The dreary heat and humidity made for some nice PM thunderstorms and breezy evening, so Beck decided to grill on the porch - great burgers and sausage, and this awesome sunset:
On to Wednesday, when Beck made the excellent call to go to Manchester by the Sea for a day at the Beach. Much fun! We stopped en route at the Vet School so Beck could deliver some faxes, and Aaron and I tossed the disc, grabbing odd looks from the admins inside. Took about an hour and a half to get to MbtS, and we spent the day doing typical beachy things - frisbee tossing, reading, falling asleep, getting mildly sunburned, etc. Aaron and I spent a good deal of time trying to connect on a huck from me to Aaron for a layout into the waves - when we eventually got it, 'twas spectacular, as Aaron laid out directly into a curling wave for one of the loudest belly flops you're likely to hear. Spectacular. Hung out for a bit and took some pictures - unfortunately, the flash on the camera kept going off, and against the stark blue sky it makes these look like an exercise in really bad photoshopping. I promise, I swear, we were actually there. Anyhoo, the rest of the trip was non-eventful (except we stopped at the slowest Seafood restaurant in the universe so we didn't have to battle traffic - successful in the traffic-free ride home dept., boldly unsuccessful in the "had a good meal" dept. Anyways, fun times, and I'll leave you with this stunning graphic evidence (and please note, those hot sunglasses worn my Mr. Aaron Johnson were provided by the generosity of IPJ himself):
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