Mainly to irk Karen, I'm going to include another picture of the Beck smooching with one of our ever-so-cute dogs...
And in other news, I may now have an inkling that Darren = Wrigley. Hmmmm....
Friday was an altogether bang-up day, fraught with controversy and intrigue on the Nut Front (elections, allegations, oh my) and an afternoon of this-is-your-age-now, bildungsroman type uberevents. After surviving the Nuttiness (no really, I'll be here all week), I traveled home through blustery storms to meet up with the Beck. She got her new MacBook, so in lieu of having a conversation I just looked at a white plastic cover with an Apple logo and told it how my morning went. Oh, the detachment of modernity. Sighs and ones and zeros.
It turns out that we were waiting for the PGoat to get home from a train ride into Boston, but once she got home things kicked into high gear. We picked up Ali and Grin and headed to the Worcester Hospital to visit Mal and his rents. Let's take a moment to get a few things out of the way...
Hey Sarah, is Mal content? (giggle giggle).
Hey Christophe, when the whole family is together, is Malcolm in the Middle? (Guffaw).
Phew. So Ali and Beck chatted away in the front seat while Ben and I discussed NPR shows and socialist tendencies in Venezuela and the goodness that is Reece's Pieces. (Thankfully, we did not run into Reece; I hear he's a bully). We pulled up to the hospital, got some valet service and headed up to see the happy Fam. Thirty six hors of induced labor produced not just a lot of sarcastic comments but a pretty awesome little guy. It is now time for a slew of pictures...
I gotta go tutor so this is a big fat to be continued... but seriously, check out those pics. Thanks again to greg and meghan; those are undoctored shots straight from the camera. Beautiful!
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