Junior Senior - D-D-Don't Don't Stop the Beat (2003)
Welcome to the Land of the Unsubtle. DiscoBeatberg, Handclappia, population one heterosexual and one homosexual and a whole lot of repeated references to this fact. This album is LOUD, abrasive, and oh-so-toe-tappingly infectious. That stuttering album title might as well refer to the general ADHD inability of anyone within earshot of this music to stand still. It's stripped down, shout-led, Euro-club music that is quite obviously heavily influenced by the B-52's with tinges of surf music / garage rock thrown in. The lyrics cover the general spectrum of "Move your feet" to "Dance, Mofo, Dance." The front half of this album is great, but by the second half the act wears a little thin. That really covers it - it's a pretty obnoxious dance album that's a lot of fun and got quite a bit of attention early in the decade, being featured in Fox promos and the like. Hopefully by this description you can tell whether you'd like it or not; I enjoy spinning it for a cathartic spazz out every now and then. Highlights include "Go Junior, Go Senior," "Move Your Feet," and the uber-goofy "Shake Your Coconuts."
Status: Recommended (solid) ... for the right kind of mood
Nyet's Fave: "Go Junior, Go Senior"
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