Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bury My Heart @

On the plus side: big day at the softball park last night. We swept the double header, and I went six for six, all line drives, with two doubles and a spray of three to right, one up the middle (drilled the pitcher, oops) and two to left. I played third base and made all my plays. Exciting times; we hit up Zipps on the way home and caught the tail end of last night's epic Sox-Yankees game (in which A-Rod walked off in the 15th to a 2-0 win). And Beck came (to the softball game and Zipps) and captured photo evidence (of the softball games but not Zipps). Here's the walk-up-to-plate-and-hit-double-to-right routine (and before you criticize the lack of a straight front leg, not that the pitch was low and outside, necessitating the knee-bend):

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On the minus side: why was I playing third base? Knee is still gimpy. Nothing terrible, just hurts laterally and continues to have fluid in the joint. Running is pretty okay, it's the stopping that's really bothersome, which obviously puts a damper on my Ultimate plans for the weekend. I guess it had only been five days since Sunday's breakdown, so maybe last night was a little early to expect to be back. Frustrating, but survivable. I will continue to rest, ice, ibuprofen and skip practices in the meantime. Oh, and not eat, since without the calorie-burnage of running and Ultimating, I can quickly become 1.4 Nyets.

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