No wind tonight, so Confessions went down hard against May Cause Dizziness, 13-7. We were up 7-6 at half, our Z fell apart, we couldn't get people open, they threw a cup-o-saurus Z... and the rest is, as they say, Hx.
I can't really breathe right now thanks to a player (who will remain nameless) who decided that it was a good idea to set a screen on me from the blindside with a disc in the air. He, according to witnesses (after all, I don't know what the hell he did since it a blindside cheapshot), tracked where I was going, jumped out and set a basketball pick on me while I was running full speed looking back at the disc. Awesome. Something (elbow, forearm, ?) caught me right in the upper left pec and seems to have crushed that rib / set of intercostal muscles or whatever. Fun times.
We just didn't have enough against a good squad; Justin, Ryan and Emily tore our Z apart. Lindsey played really well at deep, too. Great play from them; their team spread the field well and I couldn't cover enough ground. I did have one big D over by the middle sideline into the crowd; on one of their women, of course, so I got heckled accordingly. I had another huge layout D on the above-mentioned screener who ran into my back - well after I had D'ed the disc, while I'm in the air quite obviously in the space before him - and called foul. Sheesh. Played my usual run my head off game and caught / threw some scores, but obviously not enough.
Huge, top-everish highlight of the night was a big hammer from Tim to the left corner of the endzone - he got fouled, so the disc came up short. I saw this right away, but Neon Deion Dheintime did not, so he was running pretty quick when he looked up and saw that I had stopped waiting for the hammer. Rather than run through me and deliver a shot to the gut, he slowed down. The disc came right at his back and he didn't have time to turn around; I jumped, reached over and caught the disc against his back. Totally ridiculous, and pretty much the only thing that didn't come up in his favor the whole night; a really funny moment. He dominated, unsurprisingly, and I will now go on and on about Trigger's excellent [CONTENT DELETED UNTIL TRIGGER PAYS TODAY'S NYET-JONES-HYPES-JUSTIN FEE].
Ah, well. Now Saturday will be more relaxed, hopefully. Very slightly disappointing, but we played a bit above our heads the past few weeks. We'll have some fun this Saturday and put a good cap on the season.
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