Sunday, August 8, 2010

All I Ever Wanted (Summer 2010): Prelude

Before I post a brief account of Beck's and my excellent vacation, I've got to address a blogging omission from last year. In May/June 2009 - a period that you'll notice via the archives link now to your left, has no entries - we traveled to New Orleans for the rare wedding of the Speckle-bellied Jullietta (where we had a great time AND lunch with Tuftsbud Mall Tatt) and to New York for Tuftsbud Andy's wedding. Additionally, we ended up staying in NYC with Mike NTPB and had a fantastic time kicking it around the wedding-time with him and his now-fiancee Jen. And then, in the Ballad of record, I wrote things like:

1. Julliette got married! Huzzah! We went to New Orleans. I will post about this.
2. Andy got married. Huzzah deux!!! We went to Long island. I will post about this.
3. I saw Mike whilst in Nueva York! And new SLF Jen! I will post about this.

And nary a post did I write. I made a liar out of me!

A year later, I barely remember anything, so I'm not even going to attempt to provide the usual rich narrative. But any monkey with a typewriter can post a million pics to Flickr - so apologies for the year-old vacation slideshow nature of this post, but here's a smattering of pics from New Orleans and a slew of pics from Andy's wedding. I obviously didn't manage to catch Matt or Mike in either set (though Matt makes appearances in the latter), but trust that we had a great time with both - hit some great local dive Southern food (jambalya, etc.) and a local favorite dive burger joint with Miguel. So, we... dived? Anyhoo, good visits, sorry I didn't account for them int eh relative present tense, and here are some fun highlights.

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That's the imitable Chris Coco, former Rice Cloud Nine teammate and general superstar of life, let alone Ultimate; two of my favorite ladies and a Nyet; and a beautiful work of art (also, there's a sculpture in the pic). Here's the winner memory of the weekend, natch: the lovely Julietta in full regalia:


For the Andy wedding, I'll just post and let you figure out what the hey is going on. That's right, NO CONTEXT (okay, minimal context). Other than to say that this was a fantastic event, I'll never forget Josh and Nicole getting crazy to Meat Loaf's "Paradise By the Dashboard Light," yes, that is Josh and I pulling off a slick "Beat It" / West Side Story knife fight dance, and I am more than a little worried about how many more times we can pull off "Paradise City" as Tuftsmen wedding routine (no, not really - it's too awesome, and too many different people get their domes blown at the different weddings for it to die). Okay, phew, enjoy:

Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 5

Jesse, Nyet, Andy, Ariel, Blake, Jon, Elliot, Ian, Mike "MAZ"
Mall Tatt, Josh, Zach

Picture 7 Picture 8 Picture 9
Picture 17 Picture 14 Picture 18

Josh in full-on bad-ass mode:

Picture 15
Picture 23
Picture 19

Spot the inappropriate couple:

Picture 16 Picture 11 Picture 24


Picture 21

And the cute, happy couple ... being inappropriate:

Picture 25
Picture 27

All pics yoinked from a professional photographer or some such. Will gladly remove, etc.

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