Sunday, August 15, 2010

This is Not a Fun Blog, Vol. 5: When the Beck's Away, Chicken Burgers

Beck's in Chautauqua this week, celebrating the iPJ's birthday and learning about alternative energy. She's left me to fend for myself, culinarily and otherwise, so here's my best an imitation.

I think the automatic assumption during the few other times that Beck has left me by my lonesome was that I would take the opportunity to hit up every pizza place in a five mile radius. And, given the pepperoni and bacon orders of years past, that was not at all a bad assumption. But *this* time, much to the shock of any Beck-to-the-Future who may have been asked such a question in, say, 2005, I not only made an attempt to eat semi-healthy but FIRED UP THE GRILL. I am the anti-Nyet.

Grilled fresh pineapple, corn on the cob (plus steamed broccoli) w/ salsa, and chicken burgers* with toasted whole grain half buns made the menu tonight. I am sure I will cave and get take out** at some point this week, but for now it's Nyet 1, Beckless Kitchen 0.

* - I even called Beck to get a spicing consult for the raw chicken patties - I went with salt, pepper, medium hot chili powder, garlic powder, Worcestershire sauce, pizza seasoning, a touch of chipotle, and a scant bit of 2% milk cheddar cheese. Solid! In completely unrelated news, I scorched the pineapple and had some of the juiciest grilled fruit I've had - yum. I think the fast cook time charred it quickly but didn't dry it out. Good to note.

** - I suppose I should confess that my lunch today was some ridiculously good leftovers from Padre's Modern Mexican Cuisine from our farewell dinner last night. Holy new favorite Mexican place, Batman - I had carne adovada with refried beans and rice, and it was awesome yesterday and possibly better today. Beck had duck (!!) tacos; we shared delicious nachos to start. Anyways, I guess I've technically taken out once. Oh, well.


Full Meal!

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Close up of maize autentica and visual proof that las samonellas son muertos.

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Fairly gargantuan meal to cap the weekend, but I did more than enough running and chasing plastic in 100+ degree weather to make up for it. Here's to a week of good eatings and a happy nth birthday to the iPJ; hope he and the rest of the iPFam have a great week. I'll do my best to get by...

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