Thursday, August 5, 2010

This is Not a Fun Blog, Vol. 4: Cappuccino, Casserole and Fried Plantains

Nothing even approaching the fanciness of CFE here - just a note that last night included a hellaciously energy-expending Ultimate practice, so recovery today has included some yummy food stuffs. In pictures!


After enjoying many scrumptious coffees over the last week in Denver, Seattle, Vancouver, Salt Spring, and Denver again, I decided it was high time we bust out our seldom-used espresso machine. After a quick date with a Krups instruction manual, I am now the primary barista at Lola's del Fleur. That's a traditional cappuccino w/ cinnamon I made yesterday; the lattes I made today were a messier affair but allegedly are "just as good as the real thing." So yay for our team.

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Trader Joe's has an excellent pulled smoky barbecue chicken dish that is pre-cooked, relatively light and full of protein (though admittedly a bit hefty on the sodium). I've taken to combining it with sweet corn, black beans and salsa for a good, quick casserole. (And I have no idea exactly how autentica TJ's Salsa Autentica is, but that is the condiment of choice lately. I think I like it mainly because I like saying, "autentica").

I bought plantains at Sprouts the other day as they were on my Fruits: Jury still out list, and they passed big time. I had them raw on cereal the other day and they were okay, but most importantly didn't render me unable to breathe like evil bananas sometimes do. Today, though, they were fried in a *tiny* amount of olive oil and sprinkled with medium hot chili powder and salt, and good times were had. Add another one to the approved fruits list.

Like I said, not a fancy CLE post - and btw, Beck, time to get back on the horse with that - but a good break in the day from writing all Ultimate, all the time.

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