Monday, November 19, 2007

And later they found him, tied to a log

Bent over and buffalo billed. Egads - The Patriots repeatedly called Left and B in their game of Super Tecmo Bowl last night, hit the X button every time the 4th down options came up and generally laid waste to the Computer AI in a 56-10 spanktasm. Dan's Randy Moss scored 40 some odd fantasy points by halftime, and we were treated to a wealth of John Madden filler and Al Michaels saying things like "the thing that defines Belichick... is that he just doesn't give a damn." Wowsers. NBC even took to showing the three passes the Pats dropped on the night as evidence of their humanity. ¡Increible! Beck bemoaned the Patriot's lack of practicing their two-point conversions, Dan and I played both the "beat the announcer to the punch" and the "correct the announcer's grammar" games, and Christina effectively oggled Tom Brady and made comments about night sky zoning laws in Phoenix. Does this girl know how to party or what? All of this over some delicioso St. Louis style Pizza and a halftime pause-the-tv stop at the super-cleverly named "Gelato Spot."

After the Pats saved their game and clicked OK, we headed home to e-mails of exciting news: Reeun and Carrie gave birth to baby Harrison! Huzzah! So the super-stacked gene pool of Lovett 314 will live on. Big congrats to the newest Nyetverse parents in the Georgia division. As I'm sure they intended, Beck will now confuse their baby with her favorite sexy grandfather actor. Here's a sample of the baby's awesomeness, and you can click to see Ryan's public photos of the happy fam. The only q, natch, is whether those are the hands of a surgeon or a programmer:

Other exciting news: in very un-Bills fashion, my fall league team "Taco Technique" made it to the semis of the end-of-year tourney, and in very un-Pats fashion, lost by two to a team headed by a dude named "Tricky" wearing a skirt. D'oh. (Actually, Tricky is completely sweet, and is in the rare air of those who can wear a skirt without causing drop-headed moans of "I hate this hippie sport." So it's all good). We did manage to run through our pool 13-2, 13-3, 13-2 in a display of butt-kickery, so we got to feel Mossy for a little while. I also flopped around the field like a maniac all day long and especially in the semi-final game, getting some D's and such but ultimately not doing enough. Definitely one of those games where you end up lamenting the 3 or 4 lost opps that would have turned the one break loss around. Oh, well - both of our losses this fall were among my favorite games, just very hard-playing, competitive disc (if not the most beautiful Ultimate ever), with people getting appropriately heated but not stupid. Good times. And the Taco gelled nicely through the course of the season, playing some pretty sick Zone D in this windless Valley - we had a lot of depth, nobody particularly spectacular but a generally plus squad. Fun times; I suppose I'm trying to say that my first Phoenix league experience was a good one. Here's a pic of the *gorgeous* (though dry and Nyet-skin removing) fields where we played the tourney, and a shot of the 3rd/4th place Taco:


(Back) Craig, Katherine, Dan, Tyler, Chunlang, Jesse, Erik, Ned, Gary
(Front) Leah, Nyet, Jason, Angel(Featuring Socrates-esque, "I drank what?" expression)

Are you digging the use of the gratuitously gigantic pictures? Hope so. Alright, things to do, but I'll try to squeeze in a couple more posts before we leave tomorrow for SA. In the meantime, here's a nap-inducing shot of three of my favorite Sunday afternoon sleepers (now with new comforter!):


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