Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Dry Eyes They Are a Smiling

Relatively uneventful weekend - hung out, took the dogs for W's and down to the park for a hilarious rendition of the S&W 500. We also watched Ocean's 13 and the new candidate for WORST MOVIE EVER, stupid division, Next. I found it STUNNING that in a movie where a dude can see two minutes into the future, Russians are trying to blow us up with a nuclear bomb and freaking Colombo wanders on screen for no apparent reason, the one thing I found improbably was Cage and Biel's romance. Egad. And Julianne Moore wins the US Postal Service's "Mail It In" Award as the cranky FBI agent. Hope that electricity bill is all paid off.

Anyhoo, I played Ultimate Sunday (and, while I'm thinking of it, threw a legitimate greatest - jumped OB, caught the errant forehand and shot a thumber grip scoober right to a teammate for the goal - put that on the pickup resume, boo-yeah!) and despite the gallonS (PLURAL!) of water I drank, got severely dired out and crappy feeling. Welcome back to the Azz. How dried out? Here's my best Clockworkian take:



WOAH! This has been another effort by NyetJones Freak U OUT! productions. You can imagine how amused the Beck was I sat there trying to take pictures of my face from closeup. Anyhoo, my eyes were crazy dry, I put some eyedrops in, they felt better. Welcome to the realm of the banal, you can check out any time you like.

Uf! So we are caught up to now, when I should be working on the SoP but am instead blogging stupidly. Enjoy the horrorshow pics; I'll catch you guys when I do.

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