There is no reference point: the kilogram is no longer a kilogram.
Peanuts by Bukowski. (Warning: Strong language. But you knew that, you Bukowski-phile you).
And, maintaining a theme, we have Batman by Dostoyevsky.
Frame by frame Simpson-movie references.
Brainscans and God.
The incomprehensible Bob Dylan.
Tricked out Pez dispensers.
Crazy artwork from a guy named Kevin Mack. Or from Sheldon Drake.
I can't remember if I've linked this before, but: BRAIN COLORS!
The Jerry Seinfeld Dictionary.
Priceless Thanksgiving LOLCat:
And an LOLvid (Title: "Invisible Piano"):
Finally, get ready to be irritated beyond your wildest imagination as you listen to this guy give a Pascal's wager for Climate Control Action:
The thing that irritates the most - besides the general tone of voice and factor 18 shmarminess of the delivery - is that he never credits Pascal's wager! This is an old, old argument for belief in the existence of God without proof based on the incorporated risks, and is holier than it is holy. I pun me to death! Just so we don't leave on that argh-a-riffic note, here's some real brilliance, followed by some even realer brilliance:
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