Because I am a SURVIVOR!
Beck continued her quest of probability to destroy me, this time convincing me to join her in a hike up Camelback Mountain. We went up the Chollo trail which is fantastic for about the first 3/4 and then turns into rock scaling. Ay caramba. I unfortunately forgot the camera, so maybe next time I'll snap some photos of the EPIC SMOG that covers downtown Phoenix. The East Valley looks okay, and Beck claims this is due entirely to the contributions of her tree-generating Prius. Interesting. We made it to the top in about 45 minutes (after the 20 minute hike from the car to the trail-head) and down in about an hour, what with all the butt-sliding and near-dying and all. Not really - this one was a little treacherous, but not as bad as the time Beck tried to kill me at Wind Cave.
Otherwise, business as usual - in the past couple of days we have eaten yummy egg-white omelettes and some gourmet homemade pizza a la Beck. We have an office party this weekend and tonight I play my first couple of games in the Men's Competitive Winter League in Tempe. Very exciting, and our team looks sweet - good mix of height, speed, and skill, and I got picked a little late in the draft (hopefully because I am a newcomer and not because I am on my downhill slope) so I get to play with the some first round picks like the crazy athlete Cole I mentioned earlier this fall. Sweet. And best of all, the team is called Velvet Jones. Who?
So I'll let you know how that turns out - otherwise, still tutoring the unlearned and getting apps ready. About 2.5 weeks til they're due, so I am in good shape. Hopefully things will work out.
Also, the pups are with Beck at the Vet-dressers today - they are getting shaved again, which will surely result in goofy dog pics here in the near future. But it makes for a lonely Thursday. Or at least, a Thursday where I don't take the dogs outside five times. Just kidding; I miss the goobers.
(P.S. Super post today by the Frank over at his blog, and Karen is busy pondering Jay-Z lyrics over at hers. Click the links to the right, peeps!)
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