Monday, December 31, 2007


I started the last post with a less than excellent picture of the Beck, so I'll start this one off with a stunning one of her. Entitled: Vet on a Plane


Very nice. Before I forget, a couple of things Beck wanted me to share from the week in Nueva Rochester. When Meghan, Beck, Greg and I went to get coffee, both Greg and Beck were wearing their GPGDS regalia. This drew an enthused query from the coffee gal behind the counter, a pre-order "Did you guys go the show last night?" To which Beck replied "That's my brother," seemingly meaning the entire band. After the pleasantries and the "That James is soooo cute"s, the coffee gal actually went to the mid-'90s well* with this one: "I really wanna go to the New Year's Show, but I don't think my friends are gon'na go, so I don't have a ride." Pause. No one in team MGBN picked up on the ride request, we just smiled, nodded, ordered coffee. Another teenager's NYE dreams ruined.

* (Compare that to the following from Weezer's "Undone (The Sweater Song)":
[Mykel:] Hey, what's up?
[Karl:] Not much.
[Mykel:] Did you hear about the party?
[Karl:] Yeah.
[Mykel:] Um, I think I'm gon'na go but, um, my friends don't really wanna go. Could I get a ride?

The other story I need to tell is that the Grin and I had a pleasant GChat. He purchased the rights to the domain name "yellaphone," and after many jokes in the coward / chicken range, we settled on the concept that this would be a service where you could all us, give us a message, and we would phone your friend and yell it at them for you. This is only the preliminary stage, as undoubtedly the web 3.0 and such will get involved. Stay tuned.

Had ourselves a fun Sunday, full of meaningless football, Sephora-shopping and a little trashy pickup Ultimate to cap off the year. I made a no look catch behind my head of a blady hammer. That's all I got.

Pretty slow New Year's Eve today - Beck worked a short day and is presently delaying going running. I used some of my holiday cash to purchase (at Greg's brilliant suggestion) a backup internal hard drive, and spent some of the past two days backing up my music onto DVD and moving my entire iTunes library to the new drive. As a consequence, my iTunes is all bright and shiny and I have plenty of room for new tunes, photographs, artwork, recording music, videos, you name it. SWEET. In the spirit of hopefully creating some music with my computer, I changed strings on both of my guitars, a long overdue chore. But for more or less the first time, I did it absolutely perfectly, very tight and prettily done, so it doesn't look like some knock-off dumbass teenager with no clue strung them up (just a knock-off, dumbass near-30 year old). Good stuff:

DSCF2763 DSCF2765

Nice! Of course, this left me with a two guitars-ful of grimy used strings. What to do with such a set of found objects?


Ah, so groovy that I dig me. We're g.o.n.n.a.* take it easy for NYE tonight, eat some nachos, drink some drinks, and, if all goes according to tradition, celebrate the New Year as it occurs in Newfoundland and Beck falls asleep at 9 p.m. Insert the sound of a noisemaker here. Here's hoping everybody has a good one, stays safe, and makes all kinds of promises they have no intention of keeping in 2008. Drink some champagne, or sparkling white wine, whatever's available, for me. And here's personally hoping for the start of a productive 4th decade in 2008 por moi. I wanted to give a shoutout here to an old, well, not really a friend, just a person I knew, but his name escapes me. May I never think of him again.

* (Going Only Nowhere for NYE Activities)**

** - This has been an iPMM Shoutout.

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