So Velvet Jones (no relation - here's the inspiration), my competitive men's league team that was predicted to run the table in our winter league, fell in the final game of the season to drop to a very un-Pats-like 5-1. I had a pretty decent night - no turnovers that I can remember, a few scores, huchs, and I only got ruthlessly skyed once. Yeah! The loss was not without its asterisk - our two fastest players, Dustin and the aforementioned Cole, and another deep named Erik all no-showed on us, sans warning. While this had the dreaded effect of sliding everyone up a speed notch and straining our defensive abilities, it had the decided benefit of an absent Cole - and the jokes commenced. Seemed Captain Cocky's attitude has not gone unnoticed by the rest of our team, so that was fairly hilarious. It will, natch, be good to have him back this week, for the added juice to our team but also to see the comedy fallout of his noshow act. Woohoo. Of course, as mentioned a couple of posts ago, all of this was entirely moot because we clinched the one seed by scoring 7 goals in our first game Thursday night, so that loss really was a game that meant nothing to us. Our defeaters, on the other hand, grabbed the 2 seed by beating us, which means a rematch for all the glory on Thursday. Tune in to your local NBC affiliate for coverage.
Friday was a bit of a heady day - I tutored calculus (integration by parts, barf) and then ran a SAT exam prep meeting for the staff at the tutoring factory. Everything went fine, and we followed it up with a long full staff meeting and a holiday party - fun times, though I went solo as the Beck was still working at 6:30. Plus the party house was noticeably lacking bubble hockey, guitar hero and pinball machines, so that was kinda a letdown. I think my expectations have been unfairly raised. Still, fun, especially because we had a while elephant gift thing with 3 dollar or under prizes, which made for some horrendous gifts - I left with a candy checkerboard and a gingerbread house ornament (having successfully traded for the latter with a strawberry shortcake flashlight). My bosses' two kids attended and took on the present unwrapping duties; hilarity ensued. Ah, youth, consumer culture, pagan holidays under the guise of religion, voracious unwrapping of dream-begetting commodities - hold on, I think I've got some dust in my eye here.
After the party, I came home and watched Hoodwinked with Beck (which we, surprise, started Friday night and finished Saturday night, a decided trend around the Nyet-condo lately). Saturday was fairly low-key with work for the both of us - we had some burritos for dinner and capped off the end of Hood. And then - AND THEN - we watched "Die or Eat Us," a sort of Slasher parody video by our friends at Sigma.
After cloroxing our eye balls and dissecting the appropriate regions of our amygdalas / hippocampi, Beck and I went to bed. I couldn't sleep, so I read a few hundred pages of The Corrections, which (per Dan's recommendation) is quite excellent, gut-wrenching, etc. (I actually finished it Sunday night). I eventually went to sleep because I had to get ready for a trip to
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