Monday, August 20, 2007


Around the time my eyes start to actively hurt from gazing into the deep, meaningful eyes of the little Monster mascot from Monster, I figure it's time to take a break and get a little blog on.

SO this weekend pretty much ruled - finished up the craptacular piece of tripe that is Weeds second season on Friday, and couldn't get our fix fast enough as Beck looked up the first episode from season 3 on the web. The whole thing was so banal, I just couldn't get enough.

Saturday I did a whole lotta nothing 'til I watched a bit of the Cubs game and then went to the gym with the Beck, where I ran 5 miles on a treadmill. Boo-yay. We rushed home and got ready for the event known as The Vegetable Spectacular at D & C's - we got a shipment of veggies from a local co-op so we could feel moderately better about our mid-desert-living, water-sucking, enviro-destroying ways for a while. Nice! The meal was AWESOME (assisted by the addition of non-co-op purchased CREAM) and a generally sweet time was had by all (Tim and Wren and Naya (sp?) were there, too). Seriously, serious - great times chillin' and watching Growth Hormone taking twelve year olds play baseball and listening to some good tunes provided by Danimal. ANd we even took a foray into discussing desultory life, a discussion in which I was accused of deconstructing Christina. In other news, Christina claimed that nerd is the opposite of black, and then glared pointedly at Dan and me.

Followed up the funday Saturday with an 11 o'clock showing of Superbad at the cinema down by D&C's. It was SWEET, which of course, we already knew, because they told us that would happen in Health class. Niiiiiice. We followed up with a little Duck & Decanter, a sandwich place around the corner from D&C's, where Dan and I once again observed our general awesomeness in not desiring to purchase country store signs with quaint sayings like "I Keep Pressing the Escape Key, But I Never Leave."

Came home only to trek back down an hour later to play 112 degree frisbee with a decidedly out of shape crowd down in Tempe. I played okay and felt pretty decent given the ridiculous conditions. Fall league starts sometime soon; I'm looking forward to that adventure.

Alright, my eyes seem to have returned to their pre-glaze state, so i suppose it's time to get back to it. A couple of leads today, a possible interview tomorrow, we'll see.

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