Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Gots to Clean my Bookmarks!

Lynx 4 U, or "I'm in ur RSS Feed, Directin ur surfin:"

Speaking of ye olde LOLCats, here's a nice little attempt at analysis.

And Beck insists that Miss Teen South Carolina is in fact a master ironist, and that this little display ranks right up there with Pynchonian toilet trips in the historic equivalent of extemporaneous brilliance:

Cool gallery of African animals in B&W.

Classic Psych: Watch this video and really concentrate and count the number of times the team in white throws and catches the ball and the number of times the ball hits the floor. Serious, now, count as if your life depended on it. When you think you have the numbers, come back to this page.

Now, watch this video and look for the gorilla who walks through the stupid game of people playing catch.

Here's a pic gallery that's full of pretty.

Crazy Sea Monsters

Here's an interesting blog. Here's another. And another.

Here's the Cubs unofficial blog. And here is the Dbacks. The DBacks blog makes great use of graphs from FanGraphs.com - check out a running account of win probability in graph and play log form.

(Win probability is a way of weighing the impact of a particular player's performance - someone has charted how often teams win when they're up 2 with a runner on 1st in the bot. of the 4th, etc. So each team starts at 50/50 (more or less, there should be an ad for the home team) and the game progresses. Cool way to think about the game)>

Here's a Charlie Rose interview with Charles Schultz, and here's an entire site of Charlie Rose interviews.

Cool account of the Top 20 Movie Shootouts.

A "No Hope" Flow Chart by R. Crumb.

Watch it while it's hot: every Simpsons episode online!

The Best of Flash Animations.

And... I grow weary of this post. When will we go back to Transylvania? I'll leave you with a little tuneage from teh ever-awesome Giant Panda Guerrilla Dub Squad - I may have posted this before, but this little minor key, Jamaica meets Eastern Europe tune is sweet:

I lied - how could I not include this LOLSchroedinger'sCat?

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