Friday, August 24, 2007

Baseball and the Best. Doubt. Ever.

Hey! Enjoying my Friday here, reading quite a bit and waiting for the... wait for it, wait for it...

Big game tonight. The Cubs come into town for a three game spot with the DBacks. Hoo-ah! Thanks to a fantastic gift from bud Zach, we've got tix to the Friday and Sunday games. I'm gonna trek down there this afternoon to hopefully catch BP. Sweet. Good times.

I divided up the Monsterclicks with some web-scouring this morning, and WOW. My brain can't even wrap around this quite yet. I think I will read the article again and see if there's anything intelligible to say, other than that this reeks of some kind of Pynchonian hyper-irony. But maybe that's just because of what I've been reading lately.

Anyhoo, a little more reading and then downtown to watch some baseball - you know, as much as the sport as been intertwined with my life, I can probably recall every major league game I've seen in person.

Cubs - Cardinals at Busch, a couple of times actually, when I was younger.
Cubs - ? at Wrigley, around age 12 or so (???) when visiting Chicago.
Cubs - Astros at the dome - I memorably saw Ryno hit 3 doubles in one game. And much later saw Sammy hit his 66th of the season my junior year at Rice when my dad came up to visit. We also the game they showed on the live epsiode of ER the year before.
Mets- Astros - I made a trip with a high school friend named Nicole.
Cards-Astros - saw McGwire hit a 498 foot kaplow to CF.
Cubs - Astros at Homerun Stadium.
Rangers (???) - Red Sox at Fenway
Toronto at Red Sox at Fenway.

And now, again much thanks to the Z, we'll add a couple of DBacks-Cubs to that list.

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