Friday, August 1, 2008

So that was two...

The third thing is that my last day of slavery at Tutor Corps is tomorrow. Huzzah!

I kid: I would say overall that it's been an okay experience. The pay wasn't great, and there were occasional scheduling stupidities that could have been avoided - for example, I don't really think scheduling tutors for nine hours straight without a break is really a good idea. That's me. The main problem, of course, is that tutoring the same thing (SAT) over and over again gets incredibly boring, particularly when you're spending the off hours reading more philosophically oriented texts. The constant urge to shout "but truth is a social construct!" at the test wore on me.

But it was a good experience. If nothing else, hey, comedic fodder. And I'll leave the experience with this one, a quote from the last essay I graded:
"All in all, success is not a marathon, but rather a light jog."
And if you can figure out what the hell that means, you are a better tutor than I.

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