Monday, April 3, 2006

Game on!!!

Ultimate season is underway, yes. Played our first BUDA Spring Hat-League game yesterday with Team 30, a team suspiciously consisting of no fewer than 5 Polaroid players. Hmmmm.... anyhoo, hella windy day, so a game full of the usual BUDA mayhem, not to mention that we were all not exactly in top form (throwaways by me, MAD drops by Lisa and Deb, general badness). OH, but I did have a couple of point blocks and a Callahan goal. FUN! But in Buda, so MEANINGLESS! We went down 8-4 at half but stormed back to tie it at 11 for a double-game point - lay-out D by yours truly on the goal line, then we won the war of attrition and I hit Dave on a schwank backhand cut to win it. Exciting times. Actually, felt really good inshape-wise, though I clearly have a lot of sprinting to do before I get up to snuff. And throws were reasonable given the 30 mph gusting winds. On the minus side, I laid out for a too-far throw by one of our Brandeis teammates (Alex), and face-planted in the endzone. Exciting stuff, and I have the red welt on my forehead to prove it. All in all, I am very sore today. Ouch.

Spent the PM at Jerrel and Lisa's hanging out and watching NBA and various Daily Show clips on TiVo. Then the Dreaded annual Polaroid meeting - and I'll be captaining the hellacious crew this year along with Jerrel. Yee-ha. It was great to see everybody again, per usual, and Tom & Flor's baby Erik is making a strong bid for most ridiculously cute young thing ever (though I think he is still having his butt kicked by Sparkle). Good times, the season should be fun, even though we're gonna be missing some cool folks this year (Joggles, possibly Jay, possibly Cork.... sadness).

SO that's it for the cool weekend. The Walnuts are in NYC right now for Gala, so I have two days off from work. Hopefully I will be productive and either get some writing and/or taxes done. We shall see. But for now, I'm just gonna wallow in my soreness. Ouch, ouch, ouch.

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