Thursday, April 20, 2006

Rainy Day Women #12 & 35

First off, duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh...duh-duh. Happy birthday to Zach Geller, awesome friend from my stint with the E-men cult. He turns, I believe, 25. Or 5 squared, as Liz the Bishop and others might notice. Let the golden age begin.

If you are ever in a dark alley, about to be killed by a raving lunatic who will only let you go if you can call someone who knows their sine and cosine values, I highly recommend NOT calling anyone I know. Let's leave it at that.

Came home, weights and 5 miles on the road. I am attempting to get in shape, and have been feeling grossly overweight since this winter. The scales at the gym indicate that I am approx. +15 on my playing weight. So we'll have to take care of that. Boo-urns.

On a positive note, I am always through the "A's" of my music review project. So 2026 still looks reasonable.

In a sad move, I am boycotting the O.C. from here on out. The second Marissa foray into alcoholism slammed the door shut for me. Sorry, Seth et al. It was a good run. Or more exactly, it was a good first 10 episodes, followed by sporadic good moments, interlaced with idiocy. I would point the necessary finger at whoever hired Oliver. Egad, man.

Other news: I'm giving Blood on the Tracks a thorough re-review. Anything that gets routinely dropped in the top 20 OAT deserves review. Not that I'm not aware that the RS crew has something of a Bob fetish. But that's cool.

I shudder to think that since this started at a somewhat arbitrary cycle of my pop appreciation, everyone's going to think I'm a Dylan and Hornby fanatic who likes to watch old movies commenting on the futility of the industrial / consumer age. Because that would be way, way off.

Aaron got to see Neko Case in concert the other day. Lucky dude. I saw her perform with the NP at the Roxy in Boston last fall; it was fairly mind-blowing, despite the eerie alone-in-the-crowd senstation that I got. That might make for a good musing someday. Or a musing, anyways.

On another plus, someone may be delivering the lecture for me tomorrow. I win.

Guitar lesson tomorrow. I shall push for a new song.



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