Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Wrath.

A subpleasant day - let's just go with some anonymous academic dishonesty and some rather ill-informed-as-to-the-values-of-sin-and-cosine-of-two-pi Walnuts as the cause. So the wrath was born. A little bit of smack down layage as I threatened los kiddos with a "pop" quiz tomorrow. This is a decidedly pragmatic maneuver, as I have to do *something* to get them to learn the stupid values by the end of the semester, and apparently using them on a day in day out basis doesn't cut it anymore. Wahoo.

But seriously - I was very angry today with them, and probably for the first time this year I let them know it in class, giving a good ol' "I'm disappointed" and "this really isn't acceptable" routine. And then on top of that the entire department was frustrated - I think we're all running into a bit of the wall of spring (for lack of a better term). Senioritis and stressed out performers - it's a lovely combo.

On the plus side, I channeled the wrath and went for a track work out this PM. I am doing okay in-shape wise but feel a little too heavy for this time of year and I feel like joints are hurting worse than is actually called for. Hopefully this will clear up before too long.

The W.D. had an appt. with the dermatologist yesterday - he thinks she stuck her face in a mosquito / wasp / ant mass at some point last week and is having a hypersensitivity rxn. Her nose is very swollen and completely rubbed raw, making it look like a piece of burnt sausage. She's wearing an e-collar 24-7 and is fairly miserable - doc put her on prednisone and abx for the next week and 2 weeks, resp. Poor, poor Wigwee, but chances are she should clear up within the next week or so. Still, it's pretty terrible looking, and she is a miserable kid around the apartment these days.

Talked my dad through his very first iTunes purchase today. There goes the inheritence.

And hope Mom and Dad and Jules are doing okay in S.A. - a very rough day yesterday, to say the least.

Lotsa lotsa Dylan today - reading Studio A, a collection of essays / articles / poems about him, and listened rather extensively to Blood on the Tracks. Good stuff, I already liked that album, but I think i am developing a coffee-esque taste for it. EEEEEyedeeeeuuuuuht Wind. And such.

Oh, and in other news - grabbed a 2mm pick and played the hell out of my guitar today; I think I dig on the thicker pick better than the .71 pinkies I've been using. So that's cool, and I nailed down another song today. Good times.

Alright, off I go, like a bird that flew, or... yeah.

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