I am in... love?*
(Dum dum dum dum dum (this is what a Mike Myers-y bassline looks like in text form) dum dum dum dum)
(Blow out candle).
Welcome to late night post-Ultimate delirious Nyet, where Axe Murderers and Indigo Girls dance like 6th grade go-togetherers. Pleasant.
Ultimate was a blast tonight - except for the hour and fifteen minute car ride down there. But once things got going, we played two games with about two operating subs (for the men). Because of both a lack of handlers and a lack of people in shape enough to run for four hours straight, I played a lot and played very, very hard. I am pretty beat, probably in the vicinity of the five game Saturday from a couple of weekends ago.
In the plus column: won the first game with a comeback. In both games - lots of good throws and D's, layouts and sky catches. One turnover. I was on, which is nice. I also had to play mid instead of handler for a lot of the day. Nice. Feeling re: self and Ultimate and 30 year old body, nice.
In the negative column - stupidly lost the second game. We've got a very mixed team without a lot of speed. So this will be "rebuilding" or whatever, but hopefully we can have fun and get some of the rooks to stop making some of the silly mistakes (lofty throws, mainly, we actually have a lot of people who are fine with throws/catches, just get a little excited from time to time. It should be cool to chill them out and watch them get better). Very bad - one of those aforementioned lofty throws went up, I chased it down, and a woman from the other team came in hard to try and get the d but ended up undercutting me a bit. I tried to slam on the brakes quite a bit, but as you can imagine, she lost the m1v1 = m2v2 game. Weird situation - I felt bad that I had drilled her, but it was definitely one of those plays where had it been a guy, I would have been in "WTF?" mode. Undercuts are dangerous; whenever they happen on people going for dunks in basketball, people get understandably upset. I'm running upfield looking at a disc behind me, she is coming in at me and the disc and can see everything in front of her. I fully recognize that this is a hat league game and I have to watch out, but I also feel compelled to point out that she essentially caused the collision. So I feel bad that it happened, sorry that it happened, but I don't feel very responsible for it, if that makes sense. Some of her teammates gave me crap, which I pretty much just accepted without mouthing off - that's an impossible debate to win. But some of my teammates jumped in and pointed out the fouly nature of her play, so hopefully this will get chalked up as merely unfortunate. I'll conclude by pointing out that I SLOWED DOWN, which always seems to be the factor that people forget.
Anyhoo, that was crappy. I came over to the sideline after the point to apologize to her and ask her how she was doing, and she was not polite in the slightest. As wiser men have said, F' it, let's go bowling.
Still, an overall fun night. The illustrious Laurie, a friend of Tuftsbud Josh's is on my team, and it's always cool to play with her; also, Tyler from the Taco team this fall was there. So good times, though I am reasonably confident that tomorrow morning aka 6 hours from now will be sub-awesome. So good night, nyetversers, hope your legs ain't as stiff as mine.
* Actually, I am in love, because Beck rules. I got stuck in ridicu-traffic on 101, so I had to divert west and try to wind my way down to the fields and got lost. I used my phone-a-wife (twice!) and she got me there. Phew. She rules.
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