Sunny AZ was cloudy AZ yesterday at exactly the wrong time, and the moon and its eclipsed-ness were obscured by clouds. Sigh. Better luck next time; natch, I can always look at pictures on the web for the fauxperience. Of course, as suggested in the previous post, I had a back-up plan for the lack of moon-viewing: the quite excellent Star Trek in Wonderland video. I was pretty excited to share this glorious piece with Beck, especially since she had just heard "White Rabbit" for the first time in the car on Saturday. It led to this conversation:
"Hey Beck, since we can't look at the moon, check out this video."
"How long is it?"
"Three minutes."
I can't convey the inflection appropriately. Just know that it's just about the same thing as if a little kid asks if we're there yet, you say "still thirty minutes" and he whines "thirty minutes!" Hilarious. Beck has apparently joined the short-attention span few.
Saw this on the interwebs yesterday:
It's the panaorama scene from the Simpsons intro, excellently written about by this dude. I take no credit for this.
This is fairly genius, too:

He clearly just stumbled across
Otherwise, it's business as usual here at Nyet Jones, Inc. I dragged myself to the gym this morning, took the pups for a long walk and am shortly headed to TutorCorps. Fans of Essa, be excited: it's Thursday, and that means I should be full of ridiculous stories tomorrow. Fans of Nyet, be excited: more Thursday Ultimate, and I've been on a little bit of a hot streak lately. Ever since that layout D at New Year's Fest, I've seemed to remember that I'm actually pretty decent at this game and can dominate when it's, you know, hat league. Sigh. Regardless, there should be more pointless highlights here tonight. Look forward to it!!!
And we'll cap this with a dedication to Christina:
Now playing: Bob Dylan - Love Minus Zero/No Limit
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