More importantly, I got tired of staring at the electronic pile of reviews that I have yet to do, so i quickly reviewed everything I've seen / read in the past 8 months in this little ditty:
8 months!
So that's that. I also am hereby publicly promising to get back on my review bandwagon, because I know that's what the people want. The now greatly shortened pile includes Murikami's The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and the excellent movie we saw on Saturday night, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. I am getting on those pronto. Wahoo!
As for the weekend, Beck and I slugged our way through and suffered tremendously Sunday night. Oh, those poor Pats. I have no problem with the upset or all the glee that comes with the "18-1" chants; clearly the giants played very well and their defense gave the Pats O-Line et al much more than they could take. More than anything it's just disappointing to see such a lackluster performance - again, all credit to the Giants, but having by far the worst game of the year in the super bowl just makes the whole event disappointing. (And it all would have been okay were it not for one of the most amazing helmet pinning catches, um, ever).
So minus that tragic Sunday occurrence, Beck and I made a good weekend of it. We caught up on Lost on Friday, and Beck renewed her hatred for the "show where nothing happens." And yet she likes Seinfeld. Woah. I worked all day Saturday and unfortunately could not connect with tufts-bud Jesse - you may remember him as the wedding air guitar legend - who was in town for the superbowl. Sorry, homes. Beck and I were supposed to go to a Chinese New Year party but lacked the energy / motivation, and wound up going to watch the aforementioned French flick instead. Drove around Scottsdale and got to see all the beautiful people humming it up in their hammers or various other elongated cars. We hit a mexican restaurant where I paid a stupid amount of money to eat a fried tortilla with cheese, which I can make at home for about 120th of the cost. D'oh.
On Sunday morning we looked at the rain and wind and coldness outside and said, "hey, let's go hiking!" Kidding, kidding - it was pretty cold and a little wet, but we did a nice easy jaunt around South Mountain park and got some nice, cloudy views of our smog-smothered town:
So not the most beautiful setting, but a haunting one that provided some nice pics regardless. We next contemplated the face that it was Superbowl Sunday which means time to eat - we headed over to Chompie's, a New York style deli around the corner from our house. Beck was feeling Druish, so she ordered some unpictured scrambled matzah & eggs, and I was feeling heart-attacky so I order a Monte Infarct:
Sooooo bad. That reflection off the plate is due to the flavor. Those plates are actually black. Scary.
Replete with calorific goodness, Beck and I headed to the grocery store to buy our super snacks. Given the choice of two Fry's within walking distance of our house, we chose the lesser of the two, and boy are we glad we did!
Oh, we wish we were. Were. WERE.
Then the game, and... well, this guy captured our feeling:

Tragic. An episode of HOUSE, and off to bed. Sad. Nothing too crazy from the next two days, other than my driving all the way down to Tempe last night only to find our game had been canceled due to rain the day before. BARF! PIZZA THE HUT!! Annoying. I made up for it by scoring 360 points at Scrabble instead.
Okay, so those reviews will come, AND I will make more of an effort to write on the site proper. Ideas, Thoughts. Essays. RANTS!!!!
Okay, so those reviews will come, AND I will make more of an effort to write on the site proper. Ideas, Thoughts. Essays. RANTS!!!!
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