Thursday, February 7, 2008

So do you click these, or what?

Comment please - here are several weeks worth of links, pilfered from the Sports Guy, Neatorama, Metafilter, etc. per usual:

(Of course, before that I would like to retell a joke I've used five times today. So Obama has a new campaign slogan designed to get the all-important cat vote out:

'Yes We Can Has."

Laugh, damn you, laugh!It's funnier if you've seen this piece of celeb-fueled propaganda, which is actually well done, though I must admit it kinda accentuates the "rhetoric" aspect of the Obama campaign)

365 Classic TV intros
Ridiculous Red Sox salaries (including their perks!)
The answer to the fat goalie theory
Interested in basketball. Learn the ins and outs!
Put some "HGH" - or even better, "PZQ" - in your scrabble game
"Box Office Poison" - some "stupid funny" Norm MacDonald on Conan
Speaking of Norms... it's every single one.
Self-deprecating humor from Stevie Wonder
Legendary Michael Jordan - Charles Barkley game
Eddie Murphy on Mike Tyson. Picture it as "Donkey" delivering the comedy and it becomes much funnier.
Easily the creepiest sit-com episode ever. I'm still terrified. And yes, I saw this at Day Care.
Don't yell help help - it's the inside out bear bunch.
Solid beast v. machine clip. Ridiculous dose of cute here. More cute here.
Semi-NSFW gallery of a guy who makes photo-real art using only a blue bic pen.
Computer poetry.
Anti-Pacman. Seriously, this is a cool concept. Maybe not as cool as this, though.
The farce of authenticity, chapter 1459283. And chapter 2876324.
Attack of the cool gimmicky short film. Or a cool special effect. Or informative dark humor.

Separate post - get your education on. A serious list of links to all kinds of basic science principles. Here is another set of videos on mechanical physics.

Schwank origami.
What's a sleeveface?
An argument re: steroids and baseball. Not sure I buy its central premise, but check fo' yo'self.
Incredible Shark pictures. Of the not-Owen Nolan variety.
Get ur lern on, 2: Free podcasts from all kinds of universities.
A new but old comic called buttercup festival.

Separate - I thought this was awesome. And the end-product by the winner is some fantastic music. Currently rocking it, actually.

Steve Martin on comedy. (You though tit would be dry-cleaning?). Seriously, this is great.
This is a great piece on a human sports star.
"Sucks to your Gladwell." A rebuttal to the Tipping Point.
The other day the weather forecast in my browser said "Vincent." Oop, I mean it said "starry night."
TED. I haven't searched this much, but it looks like a cool lecture series. And HERE is an awesome one. Octopus!
Ladies and gents - if "Next" was bad, this is badder.
The Blog of FAIL. HI-larious.
A straightforward explanation of airline delays.

Offset 'cause it's sweet - this is a binaural recording of a haircut. Note: you must use headphones for the full effect. Great.

Offset, ditto - I present you the highlights of "Sadgasm" from the best Simpsons episode in recent memory. "Marvin Cobain" will be my band name, if "The Single Syllable Plural Nouns" isn't already taken:

Funny dino cartoon. Cool video. The latest korean dance craze. Russian Food Art.Bored yet?
I can has first person perspective.
1-31-07: Never Forget. and here it is, DECONSTRUCTED.
Interviews with Murikami.
Performance Art: Improv Everywhere does Grand Central Station.
Brown Tape Art: is cool.
"Womyn" is a word. So is "obviate." As in, "Man has been obviated."
Take a wild guess which Beatles song they've BEAMED TO OUTER SPACE.
The final wave of a now-extinct frog.
Why is Jay Leno popular?
This isn't really that funny, but it is.
Another pair of cool concept games.
Cutting edge Creationism Research. Or is it "Blunt Edge, Hammer of Ignorance Research."
Scrolling world stats for your daily dose of insignificance.

Unbelievably cool Arcade Fire video. Almost done here.

Figure out for whom to vote.
Some of you are all related.
Bacon scarf.
The end of physics. Whew. After that, I need a funny t-shirt.
Beautiful bug photo. More photography as art.
These require a special sense of humor.
Six word stories, like: For sale: baby shoes, never worn. (That's by Hemingway, btw).
Who arrests a polar bear? Honestly?
Ignore the french subtitles, see the funny video.
Muppets for president. Meh, but who doesn't love the Muppets theme song?

I had a textversation with Danimal the other day and we were both referencing Matt Damon without knowing what the other was talking about. Here's why (funny video with NSFW language within). It's probably old at this point, but having seen Matt Damon's Conjoined Twin movie this weekend, I gotta give props to that dude.

And finally, the best way to teach kids about resonant frequency is... now in color!!!

Click those links dammit!

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