Cat in a Boat!!!
(Brought to you by the makers of "Hey Cow!")
Identify as many cats in boats as one can in one's lifetime.Scoring:
A player receives one (1) point for correctly identifying a cat in a boat.Rules:
1. All players must be driving / riding in a car.2. The procedure for identifying a cat in a boat is as follows:
1. See a cat in a boat.
2. Point at the cat in the boat.
3. Shout "Cat in a boat!"
And that's the way you do it.
3. If a player does not follow the preceding procedure, they do not receive credit for spotting a cat in a boat. Ex.: if a player shouts, "Frog in a boat!!" or "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof!," they receive no points.
4. If a player misidentifies something as a cat in a boat that is clearly not a cat in a boat, there is no penalty; however, other players in the car should immediately notify the offending player, e.g., "That is not a cat in a boat" or "That is actually a bird in a boat" or "That is not a cat, nor is that a boat."
5. If a player does follow the preceding procedure and the other players agree that the object of pointing is indeed a cat in a boat, that player, as noted above, receives one (1) point.
6. If players cannot agree on the identity of the object of pointing, the car should be stopped and a photograph taken of said object. The photograph will then be used in conjunction with either the internet or Sibley's Guide to North American Cats and/or Nautical Vessels to determine true identity.
6. Only the first player to identify a given cat in a boat may receive a point for that cat in a boat. I.e., no points for echoing someone else's "Cat in a Boat!" shout. (See multi-car exception, rule 10).
7. A cat in a boat may only be identified once for points within a seven day period. If a player re-identifies a cat in a boat, other players should shout "Same cat in a boat!" as a correction. A cat in a boat is considered the "same cat in a boat" if it is the same cat in the same boat.
8. Repeatedly shouting "cat in boat!" and pointing randomly in an effort to "cover one's bases" is considered poor sportsmanship.
9. Puns or allusions involving "cats" or "boat" are strongly encouraged. E.g., ""I'm tired of these (bleeper-bleeping) cats on this (bleeper-bleeping) boat," "I sat in a moat!" or "It's my cat in a boat!" (sung like Justin Timberlake).
10. In the multi-car format, if a player in the front car identifies the cat in a boat before a player in the trailing car, if a player in the second car identifies said cat in a boat within a reasonable timeframe, both players will receive points.
11. Have fun!
Current Score:
Ali 1, Sarah 1, Ben-Beck-Nyet-Christophe-Malcolm 0.
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