-6: Our point differential after roughly fifteen minutes of Ultimate last night. We were a whirlwind of turnovers within twenty yards of our endzone resulting in some easy easy scores for our opponents, headed by previously mentioned Ultimate deity Vince and 6'9" Dustin. Good lord. Anyways, I hereby pray to some pagan deity who has jurisdiction over prudence in Ultimate games - PLEASE keep our team's stack short of midfield, and PLEASE have someone wake up and come back for a dump. Just once would've been nice. Thanks.
-4: Our point differential at the end of the game. So we woke up just in time for our 8:30 game... that started at 8:15. D'oh. On the plus side, I beat the Vinster deep on one play and had a nice little layout grab for a score and a layout D on Dustin - so personal play was decent, while team play was not (full disclosure - I missed Eric and Al deep on a couple of throws. D'oh.) (But if you want a real analysis of what happened, it was not necessarily that we got smoked by V and D, it was that we just didn't play defense on any of the undercard team members. At all. If we kept the bigguns covered at all, they just reset to somebody running wide ass open. In case you can't tell, this was a somewhat frustrating game.
-2: At the behest of the A-Dog, I went to practice some disc golf this morning and shot a 2 under in my first round in about 6 or 7 months. Wahoo.
+1: Followed that round up with another round at minus two... and then triple bogeyed the 16th hole. Ah, I have much to learn in the ways of smaller, harder disc-y sports.
That is all. Enjoy your Tuesday; go spurs. (And btw, Wrigster is still a little gimpy but overall feeling much better).
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