Sunday, April 27, 2008

East Coast Bias

A fairly excellent routine developed in the Harbor Island cottage: I'd wake up to seagulls or wind noises from the beach at 7:00 or so, roll out to the kitchen and meet some combination of Sarah/Christophe and Malcolm, who also favored early morning rising. We'd make a pot of the Chock-ful of Nuts coffee (of which Ben bought 2 pounds, which turned out to be just enough for this caffeine-addicted troupe over the course of the week) and I'd sit there, reading or checking baseball scores while Malcolm ate 47% of the food his face encountered. We'd stay nice and quiet, and people would slowly roll out of bed and join the party: typically the order was the other of the S/C combo, then Ben, then Ali, and last the Beck. A great and consistent lazy start to the day, every single morning.

Of course, 7 am SC time is 4 am here, and a little bit of jetlag has set in, so I'm now up at 5:15 Sunny Azz time and wide awake. Wahoo! Is very exciting. Allow myself to contain... myself. AS long as I'm up, might as well continue to recall. SO here: in the inevitable post-apocalyptic Mad-Max future, you and I may have gone dust to dust, but I predict that these steam-punk-looking badasses will still be around:


We saw this (dead) horseshoe crab the first time we ventured out to the beach; the second time we wandered a little farther down and found this pair horsing around. Teenagers these days, I swear:

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The beach - aside from a few miscellaneous jellyfish, some driftwood and the like - was otherwise empty. Not a whole lot going on in the vacation spot in April, and as Christophe noted, that made it all the better for us. Would you rather be spring breaking alone in 80 degree weather, or with a crowded beach and hundreds? The isolation made for nice walks and chilling, though it was a little crazy windy to sit out there and read. We tried one day, and at least got some cool shots:

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A couple of shots stood out nicely and get the big(ger) treatment here - check out sunshone Beck, and a meeting on the beach:

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In the first picture, you can spot SCM in the background walking up the beach. In the second, if someone were on fire, you would surely comment that the band was fantastic and ask by the way, which one's Pink? Regardless, the beach was quite nice, and even better was having it sitting outside your window any time you cared to look:


Next post!

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