Last night's episode of The Office featured a super-sappy but aw-shucksy moment between Pam and Jim in which they joked about moving in together and then about Jim proposing to her. They cut away to the documentary-interview style shot where Jim says, "I'm serious about this; I bought this one week after we started dating," and then holds up an engagement ring. The Beck gushed. The following ensued:
B: Awwww, JIM!!! I love him. I'm going to marry him.
N, in squeaky whisper: I'm sitting right here!!!
B: Ha. It's okay. I can have Jim, and you can have Pam.
B: (Look of Death).
N: Ha! I thought of that look, and then it happened!
B: (Look persists).
Hilarious. Of course, at risk of personal injury, I decide which pics to post:
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