The SC!
Doo doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo doo doo doo, Old Dixie here we come, right back...
Gringoat, Sarahstophe, MAL-COLM (!!), Beck and I are successfully vacationing (all we ever wanted) at Harbor Beach in South Carolina. I'm currently sitting on a sunny deck with an ocean view and enduring this 78 degree, breezy weather. It's been mentioned more than once that the New England crew has come here to escape the death throes of another winter whereas Beck and I have come to dodge the onset of desert brutality. The middle ground is serving quite nicely - idyllic, quiet beach in by what all appearances is a retirement community. So while we're not entirely getting our SPRING BREAK on - wine and margaritas notwithstanding - we are having a most excellent time.
Which is funny in a way - we're at a quiet vacation home with a very nice beach but otherwise little to nothing to do. So the bulk of the quality of our experience rests in the notion that our companions are just excellent people. And they are. hence the greatness of the times. Seriously, kicking it with the GG and SCM is SWEET in its own right. I'm tempted to neglect the scenery and just snap pics of the six of them in natural setting. Warmth and fuzziness abounds, not just from the inherent beauty of watching a young couple care for their child, but generally being around great folk - people with a diverse set of interests but with a genuine interest in one another that permits great conversation, inquiry, and oh yeah, a whole lot of viciously hilarious quips (whether Beck thinks I'm funny or not).
Anyhoo, pictures and accounts forthcoming; in the meantime trust that we are living it up here in the SC.
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