Happy May! I hit up the now open disc golf course at Fountain Hills Park yesterday, preparing for the onslaught of my brother the disc golfer next week. If you're interested in the course itself, check it out here: I photo-documented the holes as I've done in the past. It should be clear that the lake / fountain combo is just the epitome of insanity. And the fact that the town is named "Fountain Hills" indicates that this entire thing was planned this way... insert X-files creepiness here. Anyhoo, shot a +3 (damn you wind!) and lost a brand new disc in the lake (damn you water!). My shoulder was a little sore, so I skipped a second round. I'm going to check out another famous course, Buffalo Ridge Park, in the next couple of days, so keep an eye out for that. Oh, and lest I forget, with gigantic fountain-lakes come photo-ops for super cuteness:
Also played a little lunchtime Ultimate with the usual suspects - pretty windy yesterday, so a fair amount of craptitude went down. I did manage to get to a high disc about an instant before Eric yesterday (we came down both holding the disc, and so I mimicked Neil with a "Strip" call). So that's beating Vince deep and semi-skying Eric in the same week! I will surely write that in my diary... er, blog. Eric kindly reminded me of the fifteen times he skyed me in our last game and then smoked me in a post-game 80 yard race in which I had a four yeard head start, so I am adequately humbled.
Otherwise, not a lot - Wrigley "Lazarus" T. Dog is walking around at 100% as though nothing ever happened. SO that's good. I'm currently watching the Cubs on WGN and getting ready to go into work. And also getting ready for the Spurs-Hornets 2nd round matchup!!!
Here are some interesting links to round out an otherwise thoroughly un-inspiring post:
Together again: their life in the ghosts of Bush.
Nice pics of aurora lights from Siberia.
Life in the utterly reasonable Texas Hill Country, courtesy of Hagees.
FANTASTIC, endearing sports story.
Performance art RULES.
Some cool Arizona then and now pics.
Frank, note the potential costs of your helmetless lifestyle.
New rule: I only link to Prada's website when CocoRosie is involved.
Saw this on local news last night: really???!?!
And some vids: first, this star-wars themed song starts of stoopid (oh, no, another fan-song, argh!) and then gets Colt-45 awesome.
Second, this guy is awesome - check out his other "batting stance" collections, too:
Third, get yer weird on:
Later folks. Note also: The Beck is abandoning me this weekend for the Grand Canyon. Use that information as you will.
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