We lost roughly 15-4; the game started at 8:20 and was over by 8:55. The other team turned it over maybe four times that I can think of. Our team just wasn't playing defense, dropped the disc at every opportunity, ugh. But it was mainly the complete lack of effort that was disgusting. I honestly felt bad for the other team; they showed up to play a game - even if it was the battle of the 0-2 teams - and we just gave them nothing. Pathetic, stupid, and if anything is "poor sportsmanship," that was: again, not the bad play, the total non-chalance of not even trying. We have to expect lapses and drops and bad passes and all that, but do we have to tolerate people absolutely not playing defense at all? Not running, not picking people up, not marking? Barf, barf, barf. What a horrifically bad showing in the playoffs for a team that looked like it was coming together at least a little towards the end of the season. And to cap it off with that just makes me sick. A pretty big waste of a Monday night, and I'm not entirely unhappy that my future Mondays will not be taken up with similar garbage for the time being.
Beck correctly pointed out that I saw this coming, and that maybe I should just not care and/or even play in games like this. Fair point. I knew the 0-2 game was going to leave people entirely unmotivated. It didn't help that we didn't have Al or Eric there, and Obert gave approximately 0.2% of a crap - I don't think he even put on cleats to play. So Beck is right, I should've seen it coming, and I shouldn't get so angry at people. So there's that. Sorry.
(On the plus side, a friend of mine from the other team, Eric Francisco, played out of his head with sweet catches and Ds and layouts, etc. So that was fun to watch).
Tried to get my disc sport ya-yas out by going to play disc golf down at Emerald Park this morning, only the winds were howling at 20 mph or so and the course sprinklers were on. Great. I had played about half the course when some kids showed up as a field trip of sorts - they asked me what I was doing, so I gave a little impromptu session on how to throw a frisbee. I donated an old Ultimate disc to the cause and left the kids throwing something that approximated a flick. Sweet! Not bad, especially considering how windy it was. So The Love has been spread one group farther. That took about an hour, so I didn't even bother finishing my round - I was -1 on the front nine, but the tee boxes at that course are unpaved and, thanks to the sprinklers, were becoming more and more unplayable (read - muddy / slip / fall / disc goes in pond / D'oh). Plus ye old wind was nutso. So I came home.
And now the dogs and I are going to brave the brewing t-storm and take a walk. Hope everyone is having a Groovy Tuesday.
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