Sunday, October 19, 2008

Post-Tournament Soreness Disorder

Gimping around today here at the homestead, intermittently trying to rearrange things in the house and read up on cultural aspects of the creation / evolution debate. Tournament was a good time yesterday - there were two ASU teams, a team from NAU, and about 25 or so VOTS people. We split the VOTS contingent up into two teams, and Vince shenanniganed his way into grabbing a lot of his teammates from his fall league team Offshore Swilling (which, need I remind you, is stacked) for his own team. So they were "VOTS 1" and the remaining people - who were no slouches, mind you - joined me on "VOTS 2." We got ready for a four games to 13 day starting at 12:15, when the thermometer was already at 92 or so (topped out at 97 yesterday, I am told).

So VOTS 2 (which for posterity included Eric "Cisco," Jose, Coz, Ray, Jeff, Kory, Simon, Shannon, Tim, Obert, Brayden "The Kid Junior," Genevieve and me) had a solid day, beating both ASU teams pretty handily, losing on double game point to NAU and beating (HA FRIGGIN HA) VOTS "1" 15-14 on double game point. Some big time highlights in there, including the general fearless play of Genevieve (the only lady at this man-fest; she absolutely did not back down and scored / had some secondary assists) and the "look to the future" play of Brayden - the kid is 17 and headed to college next year and already plays smart, crazy effort disc. Good stuff. Shannon put up a slew of good hammers, Obert played some hot D and made some good throws and we overall just had a fun, fun day. I played A LOT - seems I was one of the few in shape for such a day - and played well, if I do say so myself, with some layout scores, layout Ds, skies, and some SWEET hucks, especially to Cisco - we're talking full field, from my own endzone forehand shots that just settled beautifully for him to run down. Good times. I also hit Obert with a ridiculous thirty yard IO scoober for a score; hooray for me.

I also had the privilege of being covered by Vince the last game of the day - dude is just way fast and tall; he guarded me in the whole time, so I got open quite a bit on out cuts but people were hesitant to make the throws. He's a great player and very challenging to go up against, for sure.

The result of all of this Ulti-mayhem is that I am super hamstring-tight today, and my knees are pretty sore, too. The field was "Arizona dry," and I have 4,000 scrapes on my knees and arms to prove it. Ah, well, so it goes. Got back last night in time for a low key evening with the Beck - she made some delicious chicken and potatoes, and we watched the Sox win game 6 before turning in for the night.

Speaking of, it's just about time for the Sox to make the Rays cry again, so I'm gonna go check that out. Oh, but one more post before that.

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